Although times have changed and we understand relationship dynamics differently, there’s still plenty of room for misunderstandings. Sometimes it seems like our significant others are functioning on a totally different plane of logic. So we’ve rounded up hilarious displays of weird gender logic that will make you laugh, roll your eyes, and nod in sympathy.
Always Ask Relevant Questions
There's no better way to learn about your partner's priorities than when disaster strikes. For example, if your significant other texted you that they were in the hospital with a broken leg, you'd be frantically worried, right? Not this girl.

She immediately laser-focused on her man mentioning someone named Paula. No "Omg, are you okay?" or "That's horrible news." Just "Who's Paula?" Jealousy rears its ugly head. But, honestly, we'd also like to know who Paula is. Besides ignoring her boyfriend's well-being, it is a pretty good question. If she's never heard of this "Paula" before, what's she doing with her man at the hospital?
Analyze Every Word
Guys, if you're in a relationship with a woman, there is something you need to know. We are going to listen to and dissect every single word you say. So tread carefully, even if she asks you a hypothetical question. Oh, you were half asleep when you answered her off-the-wall question? Doesn't matter. That's no excuse for saying what you said.

Don't think she'll forget about it the next day, either. You'll have to devise a good enough excuse as to why you didn't jump at the chance to support her with her hypothetically missing arms and legs. How dare you.
Keep the Romance Alive
Romance is what keeps a relationship alive. However, each person in any given relationship might have a totally different idea of what counts as "romantic." What some might consider relationship goals, others might find totally mundane and boring. This couple might need some help planning their next romantic outing.

Can you guess which texts are from the man and which are from the woman? Yeah, we guessed correctly, too. Does he genuinely think eating outside in the rain is romantic? We can only hope he was joking. Hopefully, this lady got the romantic date she wanted without a soggy slice of pizza in sight.
The Never-Ending To-Do List
It seems like every new day has a never-ending list of household to-dos and chores, right? So it seems reasonable to ask your partner for some help every once in a while. That doesn't mean they'll jump at the chance to help, though. On the contrary, some guys will try any excuse possible to avoid a good old-fashioned chore.

Try as he might, this guy can't escape his wife's to-do list. Even if he literally tried running to Idaho, she's bound to have something for him to do. It looks like it's time to buckle up and help her check some chores off that list, buddy.
Your Plate Looks Delicious
If you've ever been in a romantic relationship of any kind, you know that your wife or girlfriend will always, 100% of the time, want to try your food. It doesn't matter if you guys are out at a restaurant or just snacking at home. So be prepared to sacrifice some delicious bites of food in the name of love.

Why does the other person's food always look so much better? No one can explain this phenomenon. There's no use fighting it or trying to explain. Some mysteries of the universe are impossible to solve. So, always be prepared to share with your special someone.
I Don't Mean to Complain– But
Women and men tend to communicate differently with their friends. Most women share everything with their besties, from gossip to personal struggles. Most guys, on the other hand, don't tend to share intimate details of their lives with each other. Obviously, this is a generalization, but you get the point.

For this reason, it's always a good idea to vent to your best friend instead of your boyfriend. Boyfriends are great, but they don't understand that a logical solution isn't always appreciated. Ranting, gossiping, and being overdramatic are all part of the emotional process, okay? Save that logical reasoning for another day.
Looking for Different Things
Differences in gender logic are never more apparent than when you're on a dating app. In general, it's pretty hard weeding out the trolls to find someone looking for the same thing. This conversation just proves that it's so easy to misunderstand each other in just a few lines of text.

Women usually get more messages than men on dating apps, so this girl wanted to streamline her process. The guy tried to respond in a funny way, but she wasn't having any of it. The poor guy got immediately blocked after she read his messages. Either her humor just wasn't on his level, or she was looking for someone more serious.
You're Not Original
Girls can usually see through a cheesy pick-up line, especially if they've heard it before. Turns out most guys aren't as original as they'd like to think they are. This lady was not down to suffer fools when Alex slid into her DMs. Instead, she read him to filth.

Oh well, he tried (kind of). Is there some kind of secret dating guide out there that lists all these cheesy pick-up lines? If so, it needs an update. Cycling through the same few lines gets old pretty fast. Guys, it's best to be genuine, friendly, and attentive if you're trying to find someone to date.
Communication Breakdown
If you're a single lady, you've no doubt run into guys who don't know how to read a room. Chatting with a guy who won't give up on an unfunny bit is incredibly cringe-worthy. Despite all the indicators, they just dig themselves deeper and deeper into the hole of rejection, unable to ever get themselves out.

Sure, sometimes it can be fun to troll a stranger on a dating app with a lame attempt at a joke. Other times, these guys are given plenty of signs to stop talking while they're ahead. So what do they think they'll achieve besides being unceremoniously unmatched?
If You Can't Take the Heat
Sometimes a lonely heart meets its match in the form of witty banter. The difference between rejection and irony can be hard to decipher, especially if you're talking to someone of the opposite sex online. You can't read faces or pick up on social cues, so you dive in without knowing how they'll react.

Some might read Kel's comeback as a rejection, but others might see it as a witty reply to a cheesy pick-up line. We'll never know what happened between this guy and his match, but we hope they at least got a playful conversation out of the whole thing.
He's Not Like Other Guys
Raise your hand if you've ever met a cute guy who seems totally awesome until you realize he's not. Yeah, we've all been there. For whatever reason, some guys think it's a brilliant idea to pretend they're not like the other guys, only to turn around and be a textbook creep.

It's as if they think no one will notice and call them out. Where's the logic in that? So, next time that "nice guy" you are talking to asks you for a feet pic, remember that you can say no and completely ghost him if you're not into it.
They'll Never Get It
Some guys never learn to take a hint, as hard as their girlfriends might try. Sure, there might be some instances when these hints are a bit too subtle to pick up on. Other times, though, there's absolutely no excuse – at least from the girlfriend's point of view.

Call us crazy, but sending a photo of a gorgeous Valentine's gift display seems like a pretty obvious hint that she wants to talk about, oh, we don't know, Valentine's Day. But, of course, some guys will take everything at face value, even if you give them an undeniable visual hint. Bless their hearts.
Can I Vent?
This one's for you if you've ever wanted to vent to your significant other and they just don't "get it." Turns out, the problem might be that they have a totally different definition of what venting is. So basically, if his version of "venting" is a joke picture of the game "Among Us," you might need to find someone else to talk to.

If you know your partner has a different communication style, it's best to work with them, not against them. Instead of venting to someone you know will take you literally and offer logical advice you don't want, try having an inside joke.
Roles, Reversed
Most of the time, people blame a mismatch in priorities on the guy in the relationship. We're here to remind everyone that's not always true. Girlfriends are perfectly capable of prioritizing food over the safety of their significant other, too. For example, when he's coming over with dinner, that food better arrive safely in one piece.

So what if he fell and hurt his elbow? And then let you know in the form of a romantic, sweet poem? As long as the nachos are intact, that's all that matters. This girl asks the essential questions necessary for a healthy relationship free of hangry partners.
Try Every Angle
There's an age-old stereotype that guys are attracted to anything that moves. This stereotype is absolutely not true. Most guys have standards, after all. Instead of asking out just anyone, they'll try and get with your friends after you've gently rejected them. You know, a completely normal way to try and meet girls.

According to the famous Wayne Gretzky (and Michael Scott), you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. So, can we really blame these dudes for trying their darndest to find a date? Girls read it as rude, but some guys would read it as taking advantage of an opportunity. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Fresh Prince of Miscommunication
There are moments when you're flirting with someone and realize you have no idea what they're talking about. They will make a joke or cultural reference that you have absolutely no knowledge of, making it the perfect opportunity for a good laugh or an awkward goodbye.

Poor Jenna has obviously never watched "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," or else she would've caught onto this guy's joke. Instead, he strung her along and made her think he was moving to Bel-Air after one little fight. Now that we think about it, this is one genius way of breaking up with somebody.
Scintillating Messages
Couples do various things to keep their relationships spicy, such as sending photos or texts something naughty to each other while they're apart. However, there can be times when one-half of a couple just isn't in the mood. That's where intentional misunderstandings come in to save the day. For example, this girl sent the ultimate troll response to her boyfriend one morning.

She technically understood the assignment. It's literally a "Naked" picture. Anyone acting that thirsty at 11:30 am should expect no less. That's way too early for anyone to quench their thirst with anything but juice, in our opinion.
Deep, Dark Secrets
A random text message in the middle of the night is rarely good. However, it can be a whole other story if that random text is from your significant other. Sometimes, guys think the middle of the night is the perfect time to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets to their girlfriends. Newsflash: it's not.

It's even worse when the guy in question is tipsy and decides 3:00 am is the right time to test out some stand-up comedy. Needless to say, this girl was probably not amused by losing sleep over her boyfriend's drunk logic. Did he really think she would fall for it?
Make a List, Check It Twice
This is a PSA to all the guys out there. There's no shame in making a list. We will not judge you for it, nor will we be impressed when you say you'll "remember" everything without writing one. Because we know you won't. There's no need to get offended. It's just facts based on past experiences.

How many times has someone's husband run out to the grocery store only to return with absolutely nothing that was requested? Guess what would have prevented such a fiasco. Yup. Writing a list and checking everything off while shopping. Grocery shopping is not rocket science, y'all.
You Did Great, Honey
Relationship dynamics are different today compared to a few decades ago. However, women still do most of the housework on top of their jobs, taking care of the kids and other everyday tasks. It's exhausting, so any help from a partner is much appreciated. What's not appreciated is when guys need constant praise for that one thing they did that one time. Many, many years ago.

So, you cooked dinner for the fam one time. Congratulations? What makes some partners think it's such an outstanding achievement when their spouse does it almost daily? Y'all, if the last time you cooked dinner really was back in 2003, maybe Google a recipe and repeat that stellar performance sometime soon.
But I'm Baby
If two people are together for long enough, the pressure of the future can start to seep in. Talking about things like moving in together, having kids, and all that good stuff beforehand is important. However, sometimes one person is ready for a big step way before the other one is.

Enter the baby discussion. Some guys totally freak when babies are brought up as a relationship possibility. Others are all for it and can't wait to get started. This guy was just plain confused. His lady already calls him "baby," so why does she want another one? Valid point.
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Getting shot down during a flirting sesh is never fun. Getting shot down twice? Now, that's just embarrassing. But, hey, if someone's not interested, they're just not interested. If they shoot you down, just move on and don't take it personally. This woman was able to strike the perfect balance of niceness and biting sarcasm to shut this guy down.

In his head, he probably thought he was being incredibly flirtatious. Even after blatantly stating that her central heating was more welcome than he was, he kept trying. Hopefully, he got the picture when she sent a literal photo of the thermostat. You win some, you lose some.
She May or May Not Respond
Single ladies. You've no doubt had experience with this type of guy. It's the same drill every time. You give no indication that you're interested in talking or hooking up. But he periodically texts you when he's bored.

This guy obviously messed up this classic approach. He failed to send her a generic, grammatically incorrect text in May. How is she supposed to find him reliable and steadfast after such a slip-up? We may never know what makes these guys think they still have a chance after months of bad grammar and non-starters. But we guarantee that they'll, unfortunately, keep trying.
It's All a Facade
All the ladies out there know the magical properties of makeup. With a few products and some skillful application, we can transform ourselves into whoever we want to be. For whatever reason, many guys haven't caught on to how laborious (and expensive) getting ready really is.

While it's nice to receive compliments about our natural beauty, guys should know the truth. We did not, in fact, wake up like this. Some acknowledgment of our time-intensive and pricey beauty regimens would be much appreciated. On another note, we want to know what kind of foundation this gal uses. It's obviously working wonders, and that price is a steal.
It's Not That Simple
Dating is hard. It's difficult matching with someone who is just as interested as you are. As a result, unrequited love is a tale as old as time. There's also a lot about dating that doesn't make any sense because we can't read other people's minds.

What may seem like a reasonable rejection to a woman might make absolutely no sense to the guy in question. She says she wants someone who makes her laugh, so why did she turn you down after you told some fire jokes? Well, it's not that simple. People may highlight one particular thing they're looking for in a partner, but various other factors come into play.
Of Course, You Love Me
People who are out there looking for a serious, long-term relationship definitely have certain expectations. If things don't move along fast enough, it's a red flag for them. What's the point of dating someone who is not interested in moving to the next level? We're not getting any younger, people.

Some ladies feel the need to take the initiative if their man is dragging his feet. He hasn't said, "I love you," yet? Time to let him know that he is, in fact, wildly in love with you. He's just being shy. Remember, communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Let them know how you really feel, or else they'll assume for you.
The "Real" You
There's no denying that men and women alike are on their best behavior when they start dating someone new. There's that constant need to impress when your relationship is brand new, and you don't fully know each other. All bets are off once you're in a long-term relationship, though.

Once you get to the tenth or twenty-fifth date, there's no point in pretending. They love you for you, right? It's kind of liberating. You no longer have to pretend you love eating a single piece of lettuce when you go out to dinner. They're stuck with you now, so might as well go all out and order that whole pizza for yourself.
A Halfway Chore
Depending on your relationship, getting your partner to help with chores can be like pulling teeth. Every time they "help out," you're immediately reminded why you usually just take care of it yourself. They do it wrong, they take forever, and you'll just have to go back and re-do it anyways.

They think they're being helpful, but they're actually just making more work on your end. For example, what monster doesn't replace the trash bag when they take out the trash? We hate to break it to everyone, but that's not a completed chore you can check off the list.
A Creative Spin
We have to give all the husbands out there some credit. When they fail to complete a simple chore, they are masters at putting a positive spin on it. Forgot to do the dishes? Not a problem. Spin it into an opportunity to have some scintillating one-on-one time with your lady. If she doesn't find eating dinner off your body appealing, that's her loss.

Fortunately, most women see through these feeble attempts at avoiding responsibilities. They let it slide because they figure he won't do the chore correctly anyway. But maybe we need to give these guys another chance to help carry the weight of daily duties.
A Casual Obsession
Whenever we hear a guy talk about how some girl is "obsessed" with him, side-eye is inevitable. She's probably not obsessed with you, dude. Instead, she's most likely just into open communication and hanging out with you because she likes you. Imagine that. Even if you just express a vague interest, she might put in some effort.

What some guys read as a casual fling can be considered something way more serious by the lady at the opposite end of that fling. Eventually, it reaches a point where both people realize it's going nowhere, but they can't stop reaching out and trying.
Honesty: The Best Policy
With online dating, people jump through all these hoops to look impressive, stand out, and attract the right people. It's an exhausting pursuit that makes no sense, especially when all your efforts aren't producing the desired results. That's why some people think extreme candidness might work instead of trying too hard.

Simply stating "you could do a lot worse" on a dating profile makes perfect sense. First off, it's true. Second, it gets the point across effectively and humorously. Lastly, you might get lucky and attract someone as fed up as you are with the world of online dating. How romantic.
Speed Dating Expert
First dates are nerve-wracking, no matter who you are. We've all gone home after a first date and over-analyzed every single moment, comment, and reaction to make sure it went well. Yet, despite our shared desire to impress and find someone we truly connect with, misunderstandings are inevitable.

Any first date has two points of view, so there's plenty of room for misinterpretation. For example, if you thought you hit it off with someone but never heard back, they didn't feel the same way. Sometimes it makes absolutely no sense, but it is what it is. It's tough putting yourself out there, but don't give up.
Denial Is Rough
As if it's not already hard enough to break up with somebody. It's even harder to do when your partner is in denial. When this person is going to wake up from dreamland and reality hits, they will be in a pretty rough place coming to terms with what just happened.

She refuses to believe that her boyfriend is breaking up with her, despite him resorting to exclamation points to relay the message to her that their relationship is kaput, over. We are legit worried about this girl roaming the world on her own. This kind of naivety can get you into major trouble.
A Competitive Edge
Competition can be a good thing. If a guy isn't appreciating you or going along with your latest wild plan, all he needs is a friendly reminder that someone else can take his job. Most of the time, you don't even have to present another guy as the competition. A subtle hint is enough.

They can usually make up the perceived competition all on their own. All you need to do is respond in a slightly unapproving way, sit back, and see what happens. Of course, we don't condone coercion. But sometimes, the illogical fear of competition can do the trick.
When You Have Natty Light on the Brain
Let's overlook the fact that Natty Light is usually associated with those who don't appreciate the taste of quality beer and concentrate on the hilarious misunderstanding. It's unclear if this guy was intentionally messing with his girlfriend or if he genuinely believed she was inquiring about the beer brand when she mentioned "natural light."

Either way, the resulting conversation must have been amusing. It's not every day that someone confuses a type of light with a popular beer brand. This just goes to show how a simple miscommunication can lead to a memorable moment, even if it's at the expense of Natty Light.
Great Thought, Bad Timing
When it comes to needing a tampon, time is of the essence. This girl's boyfriend may have had good intentions in acknowledging the struggles of the feminine hygiene industry, but the timing was less than ideal. However, it's always heartening to know that someone outside of the female experience understands the urgency and importance of the situation.

Perhaps it's an opportunity to educate the male population on the realities of menstrual cycles and the need for greater access to feminine hygiene products. In any case, the next time someone needs a tampon, let's hope the conversation is focused on finding a solution rather than discussing the broader issues at play.
It's surprising how many men still don't understand the basic facts of menstruation. It's not rocket science: a period usually lasts between three and seven days, and a woman will typically use around 15-20 tampons during that time. Yet, for some reason, boys seem to struggle with this information.

They also have a tendency to assume that they know better than women when it comes to so many random subjects. It's time to educate them! We need to help them understand the importance of listening to women and respecting their choices. Not only will it benefit us, but it will also benefit them in the long run.
Step One, Identify the Stage
This girl's boyfriend might be onto something here. When his girlfriend is going through a tough time, he first tries to identify what stage of grief she is in. If she's in the feelings stage, he knows that she needs emotional support rather than logical reasoning. It's a clever approach, and it shows that he is attentive to her needs.

This kind of emotional intelligence is something that boys and men can learn from. Sometimes, instead of trying to solve a problem right away, it's better to just be there for someone and listen to them. So, guys, take note and try to understand what your partner needs during difficult times.
Too Many Options
It's true that sometimes even for girls, finding the perfect leggings can be a daunting task. So it's understandable that a guy who's never worn leggings before would be overwhelmed by the number of options available. While it may seem comical to us, his reaction is perfectly justified.

But fear not, for anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament, there are plenty of resources available online to help navigate the world of leggings. From size charts to reviews, the internet has everything you need to find the perfect pair. So don't be afraid to do a little research before you dive into the world of leggings.
Mormon Boy
It is not uncommon for people to break up over seemingly trivial reasons, but this one takes the cake. Apparently, a Mormon boy could not resist the temptation of this woman's hair, causing them to break up. We have to give him credit for being honest and saying that it was not her fault.

But now we are all wondering what her hair looks like! Is it a beautiful mane of luscious locks, or is it wild and untamed? Whatever the case may be, we hope that this woman finds someone who can appreciate her for who she is, hair and all.
Breaking up with someone via text message can be hurtful, and this person is taking a stand against it with a single word: "Nah." While it might not be the most mature response, it's understandable why they might feel frustrated and want to push back against a text message breakup.

Sometimes, people need to feel like they have control over a situation, even if that control is just saying "no." It might not change the outcome, but it can be empowering to stand up for oneself. So, good on them for standing their ground and asserting their feelings, even if it might not change the fact that they've been dumped.
Redirecting the Anger
It may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes creating a diversion can be the best way to defuse a tense situation. In this case, the diversion was cheating on her boyfriend, which may sound crazy, but she had a plan. She knew that her boyfriend's Xbox was very important to him, so she figured that confessing to cheating on him would be a lesser evil compared to breaking his beloved console.

It's hard to say whether her strategy was sound or not, but it certainly worked. Her boyfriend's response was, "At least I still have my Xbox." One thing is for sure: this couple seems to have some unique communication dynamics going on.
Millennial Breakup
It's amusing how emojis have taken over in our digital age. In this case, the text conversation clearly portrays a break-up. The girlfriend seems to have no problem ending things, but what's really baffling is the guy's response. Rather than expressing his feelings with words, he decides to communicate his approval of the breakup with two thumbs up and some cool sunglasses.

Despite the lack of verbal communication, the use of emojis can certainly help to clarify the intention of a message. It's just amazing to see how much our communication styles have changed over the years. One can only imagine how much more interesting our conversations will be in the future.
Being Genuine
Breaking up with somebody is no easy thing to do. Sometimes, people resort to the words of somebody else, like their favorite superhero, to express the way that they're feeling. Although we are all for quoting celebrities or superheroes, we think that using somebody else's words in the case of a breakup, especially of a fictional character, is pretty low.

The clever part here is that the person being broken up with understood the reference. Perhaps what brought this couple together in the first place was their shared love of superheroes. We just hope that the person being dumped came up with their own clever lines later on in the conversation to get back at their partner.
Just a Little Space
Breaking up is hard, but sometimes a clever response can make it a little easier. Sarah's now-ex probably wasn't expecting her response to his breakup message to be space images, but it was definitely a refreshing change from the usual responses.

The images were not only funny but also creative and thoughtful. It's hard to imagine anyone not appreciating such a witty response. We can only hope that the ex took the message in good spirits and learned to appreciate the beauty of the universe in the process. And who knows, maybe Sarah's next partner will be a fellow space enthusiast!
The Joke's on Him
This guy was attempting to pull a joke on his lady by pretending that his phone had been disconnected when she contacted him with big news. He was clearly taken aback by the news and didn't want any involvement in the matter. Well, he made the silly mistake of revealing his silly tactic when he spelled the word "You" wrong.

He didn't even try to come up with an excuse for his behavior and kept going with his joke. We wonder who this woman was and whether she managed to get in touch with her baby daddy because if not, that dude is gonna owe a lot of child support one day.
It Only Goes in One Direction
Kind of seems like a raw deal, doesn't it? But there's not much you can do about it unless you want to get your hand slapped. And even so — no way can you slap her hand, no sirree, nuh uh. That would be mean. Then again, maybe we have a chance to change the paradigm.

You can eat your own fries, lady. But, at the end of the day, relationships are about compromise. She works hard. If she wants some of your fries, just let her have a few. It's not like the world is going to run out of french fries.
Wisdom From the Elders
It's a sobering fact of marriage that things won't always be sunshine and roses. There will be tough times, and there will be tougher times. It's important to remember that you may even come to despise your spouse, but there can still be love there. Nothing is set in stone if you don't let it settle.

This tweet shows us some good advice from someone who has made it quite a while in the marriage game. You might hate your other half for a little while but try not to let it last. You might just be able to make it the distance.
Finances First
The common stereotype that women are more "emotional" and men are more "logical" still rings true at times. When some girls make decisions with their hearts, their partners are behind the scenes smoothing everything out with their down-to-earth reality checks. Finances can often be a source of conflict because of this difference.

A couple wants a baby but only has less than $20 in the bank? Where he sees a financial roadblock, she sees an opportunity. When has money ever stopped someone from getting what they want? Never. That's why we invented credit cards. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to, right?
At Least Somebody Is Having a Good Morning
Bless us, but there's nothing that gets the humor flowing faster than the word "nekkid." Obviously, some people pronounce it like that, but it still gives us a chuckle. Anyway, we've got no more time to waste. On to more important matters.

This simple good morning text, perhaps after one-half of a relationship has headed to work, also included an update on the boys, which seems like something that is often necessary. Still, there are a lot worse things the boys could be doing. Running around with toys to the "Star Wars" theme sounds like a pretty good time, with or without clothes.
Divergent Methods of Thought
It's hard to come up with someone who is actually what anybody would call "normal." It's like... is there an actual average person? Probably not. There are lots of people who dance around it, but everybody has their own strange thing, like collecting popsicle sticks or being really into making salsa. Or dancing salsa.

No two people will look at a certain stimulus the same way, as this text conversation proves. Lots of adults just can't continue thinking about things normally. They have to strike out on their own path, or they'll feel too confined, too constrained. They have to get a tree swallow named Gene living in the mailbox.
This Went a Lot Differently in My Head
People who are married spend a lot of time communicating, be it important stuff like kids and jobs or trivial things like what they saw during a walk. It's all important, and the more communication, the better. If you're not communicating properly with your spouse, then this is a slippery slope to the big D — Divorce.

Even when they aren't communicating, they can be thinking about communicating. Lots of people run through conversations in their heads. It helps them prepare for any eventuality. But these are just training runs – kind of like workouts for your conversation skills. The real thing doesn't always go as planned.
I Need One of Them for Work
While yes, it's probably a good idea to take care of the kids more than a fancy piece of electronics, the husband from this tweet does have a little bit of a point. If you drop a MacBook Pro, that thing is going to shatter into a million pieces. If you drop a kid, they might cry a little bit, but they'll probably be all right.

Kids are resilient. Mac laptops most definitely are not. Sometimes they break just sitting there, doing nothing. Babies don't even have a single fused skull until they're like two years old. If you drop them, they might just bounce.
What Did We Ever Do Without Phones
Many of us remember accompanying our fathers to the hardware store during Saturday afternoons to pick up pipe pieces, nuts and bolts, and all manner of other fun bits and bobs. But, back then, there were no cell phones to make everything easier.

If you went to the store and didn't know exactly what you needed, then it was back to the house, back to the store, back and forth until you had the right part. This couple has things figured out. Send a picture for a quick yes or no. In the meantime, the other half of the relationship keeps working. It's faster, it's probably cheaper, and everybody's happy at the end of the day.
How Is That Not Helpful?
Look, lady, we do not know what else to tell you. We don't know what number the aisle is in. We just go to the aisle and buy the stuff that we need. Oil and wipers and new headlight bulbs and stuff like that. We barely even realize that aisles have numbers unless we're told about them by a helpful store associate.

It's right next to the cleaning supplies. Does that help? And on the other side is the home hardware stuff like nails and screws and pipes and things. Really, we don't know what else we can tell you.
Good to Know Where You Stand
Hey, eight isn't bad. That's like a...B. Depending on how the scale is used, it could even be a B-plus! Not bad at all. Way better than a lot of other people can manage, we'll tell you that much. Still, what could be done to bump up the scale a little bit?

More backrubs? Letting the other half pick the movie to watch more often? A long and deep study into your partner's preferred love languages and a month-long attempt to focus more on the kind of love that he or she finds most worthwhile, like listening or acts of service? It's probably the movie thing.
That Explains It
While there are plenty of people who have it down to a science nowadays, losing the remote control is so ubiquitous that tons of ink have been spilled, whether it's jokes for a stand-up routine or comics on the funny pages.
We don't think this is what's happening every time you're looking for the clicker, and it's nowhere to be found, but it's an option, at least.

Please give us back the remote, Emma, it's on the home shopping network, and that channel makes us want to get lost in the woods. Some newer TVs don't even have channel buttons – they just have the power button, and that's it. So you NEED the remote.
I Only Know Where the Important Stuff Is
Kids have the tendency to let their stuff go all over the place. It can end up in the van, the house, the yard, or maybe in a lost artifact from thousands of years ago. We get the feeling that the husband, who is responding in gray, isn't the kind of person to keep track of the little things all that well, but we're sure he has some good points elsewhere.

Maybe he knows how to cook a mean steak, and that's why his wife keeps him around. He also seems to know where the Ark of the Covenant is. Indiana Jones would like a word.
It's the Thought That Counts
Leaving notes for someone who goes off to work or school is a time-honored tradition and one that we think needs to come back in spades. This kind of note, however, does more than just let a husband know you're thinking about him – it helps him improve, too. Though he might not love it.

On the other hand, he only has himself to blame for stale bread. Look, as long as it has not gone moldy; you can deal with it. And now you know why you have stale bread, bud. All that late-night toast. It's kind of like a metaphor for relationships.
I'm Not Built for This Kind of Thing
Everybody has their niche. Some people are good at making a plate of nachos; some people are good at flying fighter planes. Some people are teachers, engineers, or artists. Some people do a lot better in the office than in the house, and this poor guy seems like he's of the nacho variety.

He now has to figure out how to load the dishwasher, start the dryer, get the kids ready for school, or do any number of other seemingly impossible tasks. How does she manage it, day in and day out? There are some mysteries out there that may never be solved.
Slowly Realizing Something
There are some people out there that really don't like being interrupted. However, those same people often don't like to interrupt since, well, they don't like it. It feels wrong to them. Getting married will often change these people, though for better or worse, it's hard to tell.

This woman gives us a tongue-in-cheek tweet about her husband, who has finally chosen to take a stand against his wife's constant interruptions, and she's pretending not to get the joke. Don't worry, everybody; she gets the joke. There's no way she would write the tweet that way unless she got the joke.
Good to Know
Blanket statements can sometimes cause confusion, but they often give people a sense of security. That's why they call them blankets. This guy has learned that his wife thinks that literally, everything he does is weird, which has to come as some sort of comfort, right?

He doesn't need to spend all that precious brainpower wondering if what he's doing is weird – he already knows the answer. But what if he DOES do something that's normal? Is that when his wife looks at him like he's just done something weird? The whole world has been turned on its head. Up is down; cats are dogs.
Well, That's... Infuriating
Have you ever poured your heart out in a text message to your significant other, only to receive a one-word answer or a non-sequitur in response? It can be incredibly frustrating when you've taken the time to craft a thoughtful message only to be met with a lackluster response. Unfortunately, it seems that many boys are guilty of this.

They don't seem to understand the effort that goes into expressing oneself through text. Maybe they think that a simple "yeah" or "cool" is enough to convey their interest, but it's not. So, if you're a guy reading this, take note: if your girlfriend sends you a heartfelt message, take the time to respond in kind.
One Shirt, Two Shirt, Red Shirt, Blue Shirt
Let's face it; men are not known for their extensive wardrobe choices. If they only have a couple of shirts, at least they make sure they are the nice ones, right? It's important to look on the bright side. On the bright side, at least he's not wearing crusty shirts with holes in them.

Besides, it can be fun to dress them up, so if the first few dates go well, just take him to buy some new clothes and style him in the kind of outfits you like. It's a win-win situation. Not to mention, some guys just aren't into fashion or clothing as much as women are.
No, I Can't. I Cannot
Some things take practice. If you don't know what you're doing or where you're going, you'll end up lost, confused, and scared. For many married men, their wife's purse is one of those places. It doesn't matter what you need to get; it's going to take a pack of sled dogs and a couple of emergency flares by the time he's done.

This guy has figured out the cheat code, however. You pick up the purse, walk to your wife, and hand her the purse. There, the job is done, and he can get back to organizing his workbench for the next time he asks his wife for a tool.
It's a Good Assumption to Make
Going shopping together makes it that much easier and that much quicker, but there still has to be some communication to get it all done properly. What kind of salami do we need, how many lightbulbs do we need, and do we need any cat food, that sort of thing.

And where is your husband during all this looking around? Why, he's in the cheese aisle, which is something you really should have known. Look, honey, they have brie from Switzerland, let's get some for our next cheese night. The cheese aisle is like the informal lost-and-found for husbands. Go there to find one, or if you've lost one.
Oh, So Now It's My Dog
Here are the rules: It's your dog when it's made a mess, needs to go to the vet, or has to go for a walk. It's my dog when it wants to play, wants to snuggle, or looks really cute for pictures.

We can't blame the dog too much in this case – if it's that cold out, then we wouldn't want to have to go outside to do our business either. There's a nice, warm inside to make a mess, so why not just do it there? To a doggy mind that just wants to stay out of the cold, it's the perfect thought process.
Lifelong Learning
It's been said that if you aren't trying to improve yourself each and every day, then you're slowly dying. Just sitting there stagnating. You could be learning about yourself or others or about totally unrelated topics in science, literature, or history. It doesn't matter what about, just keep that brain working.

You could also learn something about shades of beige, that thing being there are many, many, many of them, and only one is the right answer to pick when it comes to curtains. But they all look exactly the same to you, and your wife is mad at you for some reason, and there is no escape.
Modern Communication for Modern Parents
Having a child is always a long conversation. So too, are having a second, third, or fourth child. As much as some parents might like, "Can I keep it?" is not a conversation. From the get-go, you're off on the wrong foot. Then again, it's the lady in the situation who sort of has the power here unless the guy is willing to get a specific procedure done.

Or, he can choose to respond with a gif from "Monsters, Inc." which is always a great way to respond to anything. Even something that should, let's be real, be a much longer conversation.
He Actually Listens to Me
No wonder people get dogs so often – they can not talk back. You take them on walks and tell them all your troubles. They just listen, and you have a chance to let it all air out as you are stretching your legs with your furry friend.

Sure, your wife might get a little bit jealous, but the dog actually gets excited by going on walks. Maybe if you got excited about going on walks, Rachel, I would talk to you a little more. We both have our paths forward here. We just have to walk them, that is all.
Were You Saying Something?
Our hearing starts to get worse and worse as we get older – sure, there are plenty of things you can do to protect yourself from damage, but it's going to happen at least a little. So if you see two old people yelling at each other, they might not be angry – they might just be having a normal conversation.

One of them might not even have noticed that they were having a conversation. He or she might have just heard a little rushing of air, and then suddenly, the other person is yelling, and they're confused, and we're confused, and everybody is confused.
Live in the Present
Guys like to poke fun at their girlfriends for bringing up random topics of conversation that seem totally out of left field. Any good partner worth his salt knows to go with the flow and not question where these random thoughts come from. But, every once in a while, a topic will come up that totally stops them in their tracks.

This girl may have been thinking about having a baby for weeks, but he's over here thinking about what to have for lunch the next day. While it's great to live in the present, some forward-thinking would be good.
It's Not the Easiest Thing in the World
For some reason, there are people out there who simply cannot wrap their heads around a dishwasher. Plates? Cups? Bowls? There are lots of stuff that needs to be loaded, and not enough places to load them.

Sure, the silverware section isn't too hard to figure out, but do you load the plates by size? Do all the bowls point in the same direction? How do you fit all the cups in there? Honestly, the people that can figure them out are geniuses. We're pretty sure there are some dishwashers that are actively designed to hold as few dishes as possible.
Please Get Them Out of the House
Also, don't eat raw spaghetti; that stuff can be dangerous. That's how you give your kids IBS. A wife waiting for a husband to come home might not be the most unique thing in the world, but it's still nice to see that someone can miss someone.

And as long as that someone brings fresh food with him on the way home, he will be welcomed with open arms. There's nothing wrong with leftovers, but you have to restock the pantry at some point. In case you want to know, this text was sent over the winter break when the kids didn't even have school.
The Workforce Is Younger Every Year
A little bit of classic misdirection and confusion. This guy knows that humor isn't just making funny quips and trying to be humorous in the face of danger (we are looking at you, Marvel Cinematic Universe). This was a real, honest-to-goodness joke that actually made us laugh, even if the wife in question will need a few moments to figure it out.

Where's the most natural place for a baby to work? A baby food company? A diaper company? Blizzard? There are lots of options, but we just can't imagine one being all that productive, what with all the naps.
A Shopping List
Wow, that is one massive refrigerator! However, sending a shopping list through a single photo may not be the most practical approach. The person who ends up doing the shopping may become extremely frustrated, possibly even angry, as they won't be able to see the contents of the fridge clearly.

It's an efficient way to send a list, but it could lead to disastrous consequences. One moment, you're a savvy shopper using the latest technology, and the next, you're a deceased boyfriend due to your significant other's inability to decipher the photo. Perhaps, in the interest of everyone's safety, a more detailed and descriptive list would be a better alternative.
Oh, Snap!
While it may be tempting to try out a neat trick you've learned, it's important to consider the potential consequences. If your significant other has a tendency to become extremely jealous, then it's not a risk worth taking. While it may seem harmless, sending a certain text could trigger their jealousy and cause them to become upset.

It's always best to be mindful of your partner's feelings and avoid any actions that could potentially harm your relationship. If you're unsure whether or not to send a text, it's better to err on the side of caution and choose a safer alternative. Also, the show is probably "Outlander."
Looking Good
It's hard to deny that he looks good showing off his girlfriend's new outfits. It begs the question: should Gigi appreciate her boyfriend more for his willingness to participate in her fashion pursuits? There's something captivating about a man who's comfortable in his masculinity and doesn't shy away from breaking gender norms.

With some upbeat music and a little dancing, he could easily become TikTok's newest star. It's refreshing to see a relationship where both partners are supportive and willing to try new things. So, while we can't speak for Gigi, we certainly think her boyfriend deserves some recognition for his fashion-forward attitude.
Sweet Bot
Dating a robot can be a unique experience that can shed light on what you truly value in a partner. It can make you realize that having a human partner isn't always what it's cracked up to be, but it can also highlight the importance of certain essential qualities, such as a sense of humor.

As with any dating experience, it's possible to find someone who embodies both the qualities you desire and the quirks that make them human. While a robot may offer certain benefits, such as predictability and consistency, it can also lack the spontaneity and emotional connection that a human partner can provide.
Busting Stereotypes
It's no secret that there are pervasive stereotypes about gender roles in society, including the belief that women are expected to know where everything in the house is located. However, these outdated beliefs and notions should be challenged and broken free from. One person who has done just that is a man who knows where everything in his house is, down to the tiniest paperclip.

Rather than relying on gender stereotypes, he has taken the time to familiarize himself with his surroundings and become an expert in his own home. It's important to remember that anyone can be knowledgeable about their living space, regardless of gender. Breaking free from limiting beliefs can open up new opportunities for personal growth.
An Urgent Burrito Question
The urgency of a question can sometimes lead to impulsive actions, but there are limits to what is safe and responsible. While it's not advisable for a girl to look at her phone while driving, it's understandable that she might want to communicate with her boyfriend about how she likes her burrito.

After all, a well-fed girlfriend is a happy girlfriend, and communicating preferences can help ensure a satisfying meal. It's important to prioritize safety and responsibility while still addressing urgent matters. In this case, pulling over to send a quick text or making the request before leaving the house would be a more appropriate course of action.
During a heated argument, tensions can run high, and it can be challenging to find a way to de-escalate the situation. However, one girl's boyfriend found a unique way to diffuse the tension by pulling out the PEMDAS card, a common mnemonic used to remember the order of operations in math.

By applying the rules of math to the disagreement, he argued that two negatives could actually equal a positive. While his logic may have been flawed in this instance, it's commendable that he tried to find a creative way to ease the tension and bring a little levity to the situation. Humor and unconventional approaches can be effective tools in resolving conflicts and keeping relationships strong.
That Escalated Quickly
Sometimes, one side of the relationship needs some comfort. Other times, one side of the relationship is in the mood for some bow-chicka-wow-wow. And sometimes those moods and needs overlap, just like we see here. The lady in the blue bubbles needs some TLC from her partner.

Maybe she's having an off day. Maybe her favorite brand of kale chips is discontinued. Whatever it is, she's seeking comfort from her special man. Sadly, though, it looks like has his sight set on something that requires some background music by Marvin Gaye. Not today, dude. Today is all cuddles and chocolates.
We've Got a Cheese Situation
Long-term relationships can be complex and multifaceted, with many different factors contributing to their success or failure. However, one thing that many couples can agree on is the importance of cheese. Studies have shown that eating cheese can trigger the release of endorphins in the brain, causing feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

It's no wonder that many couples prioritize having cheese in the house and consider it a staple item on their grocery list. In fact, running out of cheese can be a serious issue that requires immediate attention. While it may seem trivial to some, little things like making sure your partner's favorite snacks are stocked can go a long way in strengthening the bond between couples.
Not on the Same Page
It's crucial to find a partner who shares the same wavelength as you. This doesn't necessarily imply that you both should have identical tastes and interests. But as you grow together, your paths converge, and you might even complete each other's sentences. Sadly, this isn't the case for this couple. It's uncomfortable when you try to say something at the same time, but it backfires.

In this instance, one person had a lovely message to share, whereas the other had heartbreaking news. Jacob wanted to end the relationship, while his partner desired to take things to the next level and get married. By the way, Jacob, that's not how you end things with someone. Be brave and face the music!
We Hope You Have Time
Wow, this text exchange (if it can, in fact, be called an exchange when it's one-sided) is quite a journey. This dude takes the cliche of men not being able to take a hint to the most extreme of extents. As the original poster tells us, the two were never an item. In fact, most of their talking happened over Minecraft during lockdown, a couple of years prior to him sending her messages non-stop on any platform available.

The image you see here is only one of a series of multiple screenshots containing anything and everything from song links, to love declarations, to hate declarations. Quite a rollercoaster. During those two years, she has moved to a different town and got herself a girlfriend but that doesn't seem to make him stop. Honestly, it seems that the only thing that would make him stop would be a mental health specialist of sorts.
Social Media Etiquette
Social media, while it has been around for a while now, is still pretty new in more, let's say, evolutionary terms. The role it plays in relationships is not to be underestimated. However, it seems that some people are still learning the ropes.

Like this dude, who blatantly forgot to like his girlfriend's Instagram story. He had to learn the hard way that neglecting to tap a tiny heart-shaped button is equivalent to him leaving her to die in a ditch by the side of the road. It should be pretty safe to say that he will never make that mistake again.
Does Anybody Ever Tap the Blue Button?
Oh dear lord. Never more have we needed to use a facepalm emoji. This is where dating apps can get you, kids. Sure, not all the time, but as many women would sadly report, these requests are all too frequent. What might be even sadder, is the fact that this guy is not even the worst of them.

He acknowledges the fact that this is not the best way to start a conversation and adds a misspelled sorry at the end of it for good measure. Not that we think it's enough to make any woman in her right mind tap the 'Accept' button.
Better Find Another Tree to Bark On
This text exchange has absolutely zero romance but it's here nonetheless for education. This girl was living her life, posting her art on whatever social media platform, and this guy was under the impression that a simple compliment could dupe her. Obviously, she is not one to be duped.

There are some red flags to be noticed here and boy, did she notice them. One is the NFT reference — never trust a random NFT reference. And the second one is the telegram reference. Anyone who has heard more than two words about this app knows that's where all the sketchy stuff happens. And we don't mean sketchy as in sketch illustrators.
Getting Ahead of Himself
Wow, this guy is eager to make that relationship progress at the speed of light. All those unnecessary things like going on a date with your partner, knowing how they take their coffee, or even having their phone number, can be dealt with later. Later as in after they get married.

We wonder what else he might want to skip. The way we see it, based on this thread he might want to skip having kids and start having grandkids right away. If he applies that logic to other aspects of his life he could also be skipping breakfast and lunch and going straight into dinner.
Come on Man, We All Do It
Either this guy is a very loud tooter or his girl is a very light sleeper. Either way, we bet there is some comfort in knowing that your partner's instincts are so sharp and vigilant. No unwelcome visitors will ever get past the door or the window when she's around.

What we don't appreciate though, is the guy not owning up to what he did. Dude, you two share a bed. You are also likely to be sharing a blanket. You both know you had extra beany burritos for dinner last night. There is no shame in your body doing what must be done.
Temperatures 101
You don't need to have a Ph.D. in physics to know that fridges are for cooling and ovens are for heating. It's pretty standard general knowledge. However, this guy somehow managed to live his life thinking that they had the same temperature. We are curious, does he use oven mitts while taking out a can of beer from the fridge?

Does he think that ice cubes will retain their form when put in the oven? He should be thanking his lucky stars for finding someone who possesses the knowledge he lacks and still loves him enough to call him honey and live in the same house with him.
What Are We Missing?
Okay, so let us get this straight. This girl left home for work while her partner stayed in. That much is told by the posting Redditor. She sent her boyfriend a sweet text thanking him for whatever chores he would be doing and saying she loves him.

Getting a heart emoji in return seems like standard procedure at this point, as does the "hi" she responds with. But somewhere down the line intentions were somehow misinterpreted so badly that it turned into an angry, passive-aggressive argument that even includes an F-bomb. How did things escalate so quickly? Your guess is as good as ours.
Good Intentions, Bad Execution
One of the milestones of a romantic relationship is the first time a guy needs to provide his girl with a feminine hygiene product. It's a rite of passage. While many men would be intimidated by the assignment, this guy was so into it it's actually pretty adorable.

He knew how to ask all the right questions; the size, the type, the absorption level. He even got his girlfriend to send him a photo for minimum issues at the store. And yet, he still managed to get it tragically wrong and bring back home a pad the size of a diaper. We guess it's the thought that counts.
Know Your Love Language
One of the trendiest topics in relationships in the past few years is the concept of love language. It's the idea that we all have different ways of giving or receiving love. Some people feel loved when their partner makes time for them. For others, love will be felt through physical touch or gift-giving.

The girlfriend in blue here starts with a verbal expression of her love and then dangerously swerves into something a little less romantic. While wearing one of your boyfriend's items can be cute (they're called boyfriend jeans for a reason), this is not it. Sweetie, let's start with borrowing his hoodie first.
Seems Legit
It would make sense for the people closest to you to be the ones who know you best. They would be the right people to seek approval from or get advice from, and they will always have your best interest at heart. And yet, sometimes it takes a third person's single comment for us to really listen to something that a loved one has been saying for years.

The boyfriend in this text exchange has informally diagnosed his lady as having ADHD a long, long time ago. He is so certain of his diagnosis that he is willing to help her save the time and money of the official test and just beep-boop the whole thing for her.
We Guess It's... Cute?
You know what? Yes. Yes, is cute. After spending a long time with a person you start developing your own language. Ask anyone who grew up with brothers or sisters. It doesn't matter if you technically speak the same language as they do, their brand of niche familial vernacular will sometimes leave you seeking for translator.

The same thing happens in romantic relationships too. You might start speaking plain English to each other, but it will take on its own form once you've been around each other for a certain amount of time. After a while, things like creating a cubist representation of a... face? Let's go with face, just becomes a normal way of saying hi.
You Ain't Fooling No One
While reading superhero comic books or watching a comic-based movie, one of the hardest things to believe is the protagonist's alias. Laser beams and special powers are all fine and dandy but the thing that we really can't wrap our heads around is how each hero's partner seems oblivious to the fact that the man in their beds is the same man running around the city fighting crime.

Not this one though. This girl knows what's up. And the thing that's up is the Bat sign. Her boyfriend has been out late and acting distant but she's okay with that because she knows it's not about her, it's about saving the world.
Well, Do You?
The girl in the blue bubble seems to have met her match. They are on the same page as far as love is concerned and that's great news! Now all that's left to be discovered is whether or not they're on the same page as far as frogs are concerned. Most definitely an important issue.

We wouldn't know why but at least we're assuming it's important. Maybe it's kind of a Princess and the Frog type of situation and the man is just trying to let her know what she's getting into. Or maybe he's just planning on getting a pet frog and he needs to make sure she's not allergic or something.
Are You Tripping?
Sometimes men don't understand the kind of affection displays women want or need from them. Sometimes they need it spelled out for them. This, we're assuming, is what started this text exchange. Girlfriend needs affirmations in the form of heart-shaped emojis but Boyfriend won't know it until she says it, so she does.

He happily obliges but only for a second. It looks like it took Girlfriend a little double take to realize that the message after the purple heart did NOT mean "hope you have a nice trip." As the poster tells us though, it's all just part of their personal humor so no feelings were hurt.
A Chapstick Chap
Losing your chapstick once every few months sounds pretty normal to us. "It keeps getting lost" is hardly the case here. Still, You have to admit that a keychain-anything for small items that tend to get lost is a pretty fabulous idea. Just think about it; your chapstick on a keychain, your favorite hair clip on a keychain, a pen on a keychain — the possibilities are endless!

Now, as for the boyfriend's other suggestion as to how to not lose one's chapstick, we will respectfully ignore it. We do wonder, however, how the girlfriend reacted to it. Our strongest bet is an eye-rolling emoji.
Paper Toilet
Stephen here is taking his girlfriend's all-caps texts in his stride. Instead of getting all defensive now about forgetting to load up a new roll of toilet paper, he is being proactive and suggesting to pick up some more toilet paper. Oh, wait. He was suggesting to get a paper toilet.

The porcelain throne is called that way for a reason, the reason being that it's made of porcelain. A paper toilet would not be nearly as effective. Sure, it would be a little friendlier in terms of temperature when you go in during the winter, but you can only use it once.
A Woman of Words
The boy in the blue bubble should definitely consider himself lucky for being in a relationship with a girl in gray. She seems to have quite a way with words and knows how to express herself articulately and eloquently.

This thoughtful wordsmith wanted to draw on her boyfriend's heartstrings and boy did she get the job done. Sure, it's a little long but when it's phrased that beautifully we don't really mind it. If we were on the receiving end of that text we definitely would have it printed out, blown up, framed, and hung on our bedroom wall for eternity.
The Sea Sponge for Your Thoughts?
The Redditor who posted this screenshot tells us that the text exchange in the picture was done between his friend and the friend's ex through an anonymous number. Now, one question that we have is if it was indeed sent from an anonymous number, how does he know it was his ex-girlfriend?

Another question that we have is why go through the trouble of getting an anonymous number and sending a mean text to a person you chose not to have in your life anymore? And finally, who came up with the word "boowomp" and is it trademarked or can we use it freely?
People who don't have to deal with menstrual cycles wreaking havoc on their bodies should consider themselves lucky. Childbirth and the miracle of life and everything aside, having a body part tear itself apart and rebuilding itself on a monthly basis is no picnic.

The cramps, the premenstrual mood swings, and the general discomfort are not to be underestimated. This woman encapsulating the experience in just three letters and two emojis is doing us all a favor by not taking advantage of her legitimate right to describe her pain and hardship in great detail. We hope her boyfriend appreciates it.