Get ready for some sartorial choices that are so perfect and wild we can’t make them up. These magical photos are perfect examples of when shirts and serendipity collide to create some impeccably-timed moments. Get ready to scroll through and have a good laugh at these unintentionally hilarious moments in fashion history.
Do They Cancel Each Other Out?
Now, each one of these sweaters would mean absolutely nothing standing alone. One of these guys works for the security team in this supermarket, and the other...well, he doesn't. But he is probably insecure about it. On the other hand, he is confident enough about it to flaunt it in the grocery store, so there's something to be said for that.

We wonder how long the actual security guard took before he noticed the other guy's shirt. We love perfect-timed photographers. This one, in particular, makes us look back at it time and time again. It's almost like the opposite of a glitch in the Matrix.
A Walking Masterpiece
It is masterpieces such as this one that inspire us to consider the significant differences between a distinguished artist and those guys who paint the walls in your house. This canvas of blue and yellow is surely a favorite of many. And, if a Modern Art Museum hosted a “dress like your favorite painting day,” this dude would definitely be a runner-up.

As a track runner for Michigan, it suits him. Perhaps this Michigan State alum was pleasantly surprised to find his jacket matched a renowned work of art, or maybe he came prepared to match his favorite masterpiece. To the untrained eye, it looks like a hilarious wardrobe coincidence.
It’s the Cookie Monster Panel
Here are a couple of guys who met by random chance. Hitting the bar to wind down after a long day of work, they discovered an unlikely friendship. When these two coincidentally ended up sitting side-by-side at the local pub, they didn’t plan their Cookie Monster wardrobe, but they ended up becoming a Cookie Monster tag team anyway.

C is for cookie, and M is for the monster, and these two hecklers at the end of the bar rowdy it up as a team with boisterous sports commentary directed at the TV. It’s not unusual to hear the duo shouting at referees hundreds of miles away or blasting players for flubs with angry epithets. While they’re there, they share some playful banter with the bartender, no doubt.
The Art of Blending In
This guy left the pad for the day, styling a modern baggy-style striped ensemble with ’80s dayglo orange shorts and an electric orange and white stripe tee. He topped it off with a sparkling white cap, and he finished it with white sneakers. In any other setting, it is a flashy fashion statement.

As it is, his digs are causing drivers to confuse him with a traffic cone. It was such a funny coincidence that someone photographed this scene through the car windshield! At this intersection, he could pass for a construction worker. At the very least, he already has a construction-themed Halloween costume lined up.
El Helado
An enterprising junior high school teacher wanted to find a way to encourage her students to remember Spanish vocabulary words. So she attached images of food to the back of chairs to help her students learn the words. It was a great idea. But middle schoolers will be middle schoolers.

And, you have to admit, it was hilarious when this boy wore a KISS shirt to school and sat next to the picture of ice cream. With Gene Simmons’ tongue stretching several inches in length, doesn’t it make sense for him to take a little lick of El Helado?
A Dead Minnie Mouse
Before we attack our friend in the dead mouse shirt, Deadmau5 is actually a Canadian DJ. Still, it's a little tone-deaf for the happiest place on earth. Minnie probably got quite a shock to see such an offensive t-shirt at her otherwise pleasant place of work. At least the guy has the decency to look ashamed of what he has done.

Unfortunately, this guy didn’t really think through his outfit choice when he donned his band shirt and waltzed right into Disneyland. Still, none of the mice on the shirt look too much like Minnie or Mickey, so hopefully she is not too traumatized.
The Perfect Tee
Buying a funny t-shirt that claims you do dumb things is definitely amusing. But doing something dumb while wearing that shirt turns you into a major fail. Some people (cough, cough, this guy) took this shirt as a license to actually be stupid, and that has landed him in the ER.

We’re not sure what this kid got into that messed up his hand, but it was probably something dumb. There is a fair chance that the nurses and doctors at the hospital had a good laugh, and we can only assume that this kid was a good sport about it. At least he had a T-shirt that was perfect for the occasion!
A Not-So-Great Idea
Lots of things can seem like a good idea at the time. But driving your boat off the water and into the surrounding bush? Did that ever seem like a good idea? Maybe these guys just had a rough go of things, which would make sense given that the water in this lake doesn't look too deep.

This guy was probably almost hoping something story-worthy would happen so that wearing this shirt wasn't a waste. We have to assume that a guy who owns this shirt likely gets himself into all kinds of sticky situations. Plus, we can't see the shirt that the other guy is wearing, and it could just as well say something as fitting.
Safety First
Everyone used to ride in the back of pickup trucks! Maybe this guy was part of the generation that thought it was the norm. Unfortunately, we’ve since learned that riding in the back of pickup trucks isn’t all that safe. Why is that? Oh, you know, the lack of seat belts or literally any other protective equipment.

What if this car has to go up a really steep hill? We don't think this guy in the back could hold on for too long. Doing something very unsafe while wearing a “think safety” t-shirt is too ironic to ignore.
A Fitting Outfit
Talk about dressing for the occasion. Did this man know he was going to have a bad day? Maybe he’s always subtly preparing for an unpleasant time. He certainly doesn't look like he's doing well, but he seems relatively calm and like he's going with the flow. You have to be that kind of person to wear a shirt like this.

Whatever the case may be, his shirt adds some undeniable irony to his situation. We don't know how his situation ended, and we hope we're not featuring a real felon or anything, but hopefully, it was something minor and everyone is in a better situation.
Oh, The Irony
Whatever his fun and games were, they actually did cause the cops to show up. You’d think he’d be a little more careful when wearing that tee. The guy behind him, although a little blurry, clearly has his hands up. We're desperately curious to know what is going on here.

Did everyone get arrested? Was this a barbecue gone awry, disturbing the peace? Whatever the case may be, this mugshot is definitely one worth keeping. He probably felt a little dumb at the precinct, but we're sure the police officers had a good laugh. If it were us, we’d have it framed over our fireplace.
Drink Responsibly
While the “drink until you want me” message is a little creepy and dangerous, this girl seems more than happy to comply. At least, we hope that she has seen the t-shirt on the guy behind her, and he's not standing there like a total creep. Do they know each other? Maybe this is just a case of funny timing, and not stalking.

We just have one question – how much alcohol is it going to take? It's a little hard to drink responsibly when you have a man over your shoulder watching your alcohol consumption. Hopefully, only good and non-regrettable choices were made following this picture.
Mr. Insensitive
We know that this guy probably didn't even remember what was written on his shirt as he approached that little pig, but come on, man! That said, there aren't many places that have piglets on display, so if this guy knew that he was going to a farm or a state fair, he should have thought about this a little harder.

To be fair, the man is either looking at that cute little piggy with eyes of endearment, or he's trying to figure out how he'll manage to make it his bacon for the next morning. We have a feeling that the lady will make sure the latter option doesn't happen.
Cow, Meet Cow
This is actually a lovely, touching moment. This little kid probably loves cows which is why he wore his cow shirt when his parents took him to see one in real life. The cow was excited to meet her new companion, not the kid, but the shirt itself, which had a familiar face on it, the face of a sister cow.

The two chatted for a bit before the kid and his cow shirt moved on to greet more cows. This was probably a dream realized for this kid. You don't always get to meet your heroes, but this young man got up close and personal with his.
My Kryptonite
Imagine meeting your celebrity hero. What would you be wearing? Probably something svelte, fancy, and stunning, right? Well, this guy got to meet Christopher Reeve, a literal superhero. But he planned his outfit in a totally different direction. Instead of a classy suit, he paid homage to the Man of Steel by dressing like him.

Honestly, is there even a better shirt to wear when meeting the real-life Superman? Absolutely not. Christopher Reeve doesn’t look too thrilled, but this Superman super fan does. We appreciate the shirt choice even if Reeve didn’t. Moreso, we love how he committed himself to the bit. The classic Superman pose of ripping his dress shirt off is amazingly hilarious.
Nice Shirt, Kid…
At first glance, you may be wondering why this random man took a selfie inside a random Starbucks. Look again. Yup, that’s a selfie of famous Houston Astros pitcher Justin Verlander. He may look like an every-man to non-baseball fans, but we guarantee the kid in this photo would recognize him from a mile away. How do we know? The kid’s wearing a Verlander baseball jersey!

Imagine this kid’s surprise and shock when he turned around to find none other than Justin Verlander standing behind him. We guarantee Verlander made this kid’s entire life. This lucky kid will have one of the most incredible baseball fan stories ever, all because he wore the right shirt at the right time.
Meeting Your Other Half
The Greek philosopher Plato once wrote that people are destined to roam the earth searching for their other half. We’re not sure if this guy was looking out for his soulmate, but he seems to have found that special someone. Well, at least his shirt found its soulmate. As you can see, these guys are wearing shirts that perfectly fit each other.

The guy who took this selfie had always wondered why the sleeves of his Galaxy shirt were black. When he ran into this guy, he learned why. The stranger’s sleeves are an exact match to his Galaxy shirt. You could lay these shirts on each other, and the mismatched fabric would match up perfectly. These shirts had no idea what they were missing until they were reunited. How romantic.
Future Heartbreaker
Kids' fashion is usually pretty inconsequential. Sure, you notice a cute outfit here and there, but most kids aren’t out here walking the runway on a daily basis. But this kid’s outfit changes that assumption because it’s all too perfect. This adorable little boy is wearing a shirt that reads, “Sorry girls, I only date models.”

If the woman next to him looks a lot like a model, it’s because she is. This boy and his mom ran into a Victoria’s Secret model at the airport. What are the chances? Of course, they had to snap a photo because the shirt choice was too perfect to ignore. Hanging out with models in a first-class airport lounge sounds like a life highlight for anyone, much less a toddler.
A Glitch in the Matrix
Let this photo be a reminder to us all that we are not original. No matter how unique we think our fashion choices are, there is always at least one other person out there who owns the exact same thing. This person got that humbling reminder four times over when they were waiting for the bus one evening.

They looked up from their phone to realize they were seeing double. No, quadruple. Three other people were wearing a black-and-white striped shirt. While this is freaky, we have to admit that this shirt choice is a classic. It always looks good. When in doubt, bust out your striped shirt and see what happens.
Long Lost Twins
Two men were walking the streets of Philadelphia one day when they ran into each other. No, this isn’t a meet-cute. But it very well could be because when they saw each other, they stopped dead in their tracks. They were wearing the exact same outfit. What are the chances that two guys in Philly woke up that morning and decided to wear their beloved “Los Pollos” shirts?

To make things even weirder, they’re wearing very similar salmon-colored shorts. This isn’t too much of a coincidence once you realize that the text on the shirt is a salmon color. If anything, their matching outfits are a testament to their impeccable sense of style. Apparently, when they ran into each other one of them said, “Nice shirt,” and the other said, “Nice shorts.” Real smooth, guys, real smooth.
An Instinct for Serendipity
Many of us own t-shirts branded around our favorite TV show or movie. We wear these shirts without a second thought. But imagine if you were wearing a shirt with a picture of one of your favorite movie scenes, only to meet the actor IRL on the street. That’s exactly what happened to this guy when he met none other than Sharon Stone while wearing his favorite “Basic Instinct” shirt.

His shirt features a screenshot of THAT scene. You know the one. It’s one of Sharon Stone’s most iconic scenes. We can’t help but wonder if Sharon stopped this guy on the street or if he noticed the actress and asked for a photo. We kind of hope Sharon was the one who initiated the meeting because that would be pretty iconic of her.
Hi, Ken!
This guy may or may not have ruined his niece’s birthday gift. He showed up to her party wearing a nice tropical-print shirt and some standard olive-green shorts. This seems like a great outfit for a casual backyard birthday party. He was so, so wrong. He showed up in this outfit and his niece’s mom immediately recognized it.

It turns out that this guy got his fashion tips from the world of Barbie. One of his niece’s birthday presents was wearing the exact same outfit. How this exact tropical shirt was replicated in mini form, we’ll never know. At least it’s a “Fashionistas” Ken doll. That’s a compliment, right?
A Well-Timed Stain
Picture it: you’re eating lunch at work and you drip some of your food on your favorite t-shirt. Your day is now ruined. Getting a stain on your shirt is one of the worst things ever. Unless, of course, you’re this guy. He got some pesky ketchup on his shirt while eating lunch in his car. But he wasn’t mad about it.

He just happened to wear his “Dexter” shirt that day. The ketchup drip landed perfectly atop Dexter’s morally questionable forehead. The ketchup placement was too perfect not to take a photo. We wouldn’t be surprised if this guy proudly walked around with that ketchup stain on his shirt for the rest of the day.
Reach for the Stars
A common piece of fashion advice is to dress for the job you want. This guy seems to have already achieved his job goals if his t-shirt is any indication. His black shirt reads, “World’s Okayest Dad.” He’s living those ideals through and through in this photo. He’s spending quality time with his newborn baby. While scrolling on his phone and drinking a beer, of course.

The best (or worst) part of the whole situation is that his baby’s head is an impromptu coaster for his beer. The baby seems fine with it. This dad is taking his t-shirt’s slogan a little too literally. Maybe his family should get him a “World’s Best Dad” and see how he acts while wearing it.
Living on the Edge
When this guy met model Sara Jean Underwood, he had no idea that his fan photo would go viral. That’s exactly what happened, but not because of anything he did. His shirt stole the show when he posted this photo online. The graphic of Vault Boy from the video game “Fallout” was getting a little too up close and personal with Miss Sara Jean.

Who knew video game characters could be so inappropriate and handsy? This is a definite HR violation. The shirt’s owner was getting dangerously close with that hand around her waist, too. Like t-shirt, like wearer. That’s a saying, right?
You’re the Bomb, Dude
We can’t tell if this guy wore the best or worst possible shirt to school. The day he wore his “I’m the Bomb” shirt, there happened to be a campus-wide lockdown due to a real-life bomb threat. Whoops. The irony wasn’t lost on this kid or his classmates. He quickly got up and started modeling his wildly ironic shirt.

The design of this shirt is so casual and run-of-the-mill. No one would give it a second thought if they saw him wearing this shirt in any other situation. Heck, he probably bought that thing at Walmart because it was on sale. In this particular situation, however, his average shirt was elevated into a form of pure comedy. Sometimes, the only way to cope with a stressful situation is with humor.
Just Try to Blend In
This fashion-related coincidence is so insane that we can barely believe it. This woman checked into a random hotel while wearing this totally random, average outfit. She walked into the hallway and found this. Her shirt perfectly matches the color and design of the walls. This symmetry is so freaky that it reminds us of “The Shining.”

We don’t know if we should be laughing or crying with fear. It looks like this woman is feeling a mixture of those two emotions. We’re right there with you, girl. This whole coincidence is taking the whole “wallflower” idea a little too far. No one wants to blend in that much.
A Boy and His Dog
This “Fallout” video game fan quickly learned that life imitated art when he threw on his favorite shirt featuring Vault Boy and his dog. His dog looks exactly like the cartoon on his shirt. Naturally, he had to pose for a picture to emphasize the similarity. What a couple of cuties.

You can tell that the dog knows something is up because he’s looking up at his person with so much excitement. The only thing that would make this whole photo more perfect would be if the real-life dog started licking the guy’s face. Then their pose would have been an exact mirror image of the shirt.
The Swanson Pyramid of Greatness
The shirt you see in this photo is a one-of-a-kind creation featuring a spraypainted portrait of Ron Swanson from “Parks and Recreation.” Oh, yeah, and the real Ron Swanson, played by Nick Offerman, is also in this photo. No big deal. Wait, what are we saying? This is a huge deal!

The person who made this shirt was over the moon when their buddy sent them this photo. Their friend had the chance to meet Nick Offerman and knew he had to wear this shirt. Ever the good sport, Offerman got into character and posed like Ron Swanson would pose if someone came up to him wearing a shirt with his face on it. The shirt designer described this photo as the pinnacle of his personal Ron Swanson Pyramid of Greatness.
Where’s Grandma?
Clothing options that are attractive and fashionable are few and far between for older people. If your grandma finds a flattering shirt that isn’t totally hideous, by golly, she’s going to jump on that deal. It’s for this reason we don’t blame these two women for unintentionally dressing in the same outfit.

The black pants and t-shirt combo is so spot-on that we had to do a double-take. But wearing black pants with a colorful shirt isn’t unheard of. A family member would definitely have to look hard if they needed to decipher which woman was their grandma. The identical hair isn’t helping, either.
Bill Murray, Take Two
Who hasn’t seen Bill Murray out in public at this point? So many people have been going about their day only to run into this famous actor crashing someone’s engagement photos, giving a random speech at a party, or simply eating at a small restaurant. That’s exactly what happened to this Bill Murray fan when he went out to eat one day.

Thankfully, he was prepared for the glorious moment when he met the famous star. He was wearing a Bill Murray graphic tee. Because of course he was. Bill Murray looks pretty pleased about the whole thing. We would be too if we ran into someone wearing our face on a shirt. Let this story be a reminder to always be prepared to meet Bill Murray, no matter the time, location, or situation.
Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu
The guy on the left of this photo knew he would be attending the same event as actor George Takei. Naturally, he wore a shirt with George’s face on it. Any “Star Trek” fan worth their salt would do the exact same thing. This Trekkie got his shining moment of glory when he got to pose with the real-life Hikaru Sulu while wearing this iconic shirt.

We love a coordinated, well-thought-out outfit. So does George Takei because he looks pretty thrilled to pose with this fan. Our favorite part of this whole photo is the fact that George Takei is wearing a nametag. It’s like he doesn’t realize that he’s a huge star.
A Shirt Personified
Kids. We love them to death, even when they get on our last nerve. Any parent can relate. This photo will make even the strongest parent wince because it’s so, so accurate. This wild child of a toddler is wearing a shirt that reads, “I am why we can’t have nice things.” However, the shirt alone wasn’t enough for this little guy.

His parents dressed him in that shirt and he rose to the challenge. He needed to prove that shirt right, so he smeared red marker all over his face. In classic toddler fashion, the marker looks like it’s not washable. We’re sure his parents immediately regretted buying that shirt for him. It just ended up giving him ideas.
Reading Kicks Butt!
Any millennial will tell you that LeVar Burton is an icon of their generation. He inspired a love of reading for thousands of kids as the host of the PBS show “Reading Rainbow.” Now, those kids are all grown up and still lifelong fans. One fan in particular went the extra mile when he met LeVar Burton at an event.

He wore the perfect shirt for the occasion. It’s a shirt with LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge from "Star Trek." As the cherry on top, it says “Reading Rambo” on it. There are so many things going on with this shirt, but they all worked together to create the most iconic photo for book nerds across the internet.
Party Animal
If there was ever someone who was the personification of the shirt they were wearing, it would be this man. He’s wearing a sweatshirt which makes it pretty obvious that he’s into partying hard. By “partying” we mean he likes to take naps. This is no joke. He’s literally napping in his chair while wearing the sweatshirt.

Whoever gifted this man this sweatshirt knew exactly what they were doing. We have a sneaking suspicion that this guy is notorious for falling asleep during family gatherings. There is no better way to embrace your true self than by wearing a shirt that spells it out for everyone.
The Dude Abides
Montana seems like the least likely place to run into a celebrity. Unless that celebrity is Jeff Bridges. The actor of “Big Lebowski” fame owns a ranch out in Montana, so it’s not totally unheard of that a fan would run into him at the Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport. What is unheard of is said fan wearing a shirt with Jeff Bridges’ face on it while encountering him at said airport.

This guy was minding his own business, wearing a shirt dedicated to The Dude, when he noticed the famous actor. He did what any of us would have done in the same situation. He stopped The Dude for a photo. Thankfully, Jeff seems pretty happy about the run-in, too. The coincidence is just too good.
Beware the Real-Life Bear
We’ve all seen photos of people wearing celebrity-centric shirts while posing next to the celebrity in question. What most of us haven’t seen is a situation where a random person bears a striking resemblance to someone’s random graphic t-shirt. Who is this man and why does he look exactly like the bear on this random shirt?

We have so many questions. This guy looks exactly like this anthropomorphized drawing of a bear. He’s even wearing a similar hat. This guy seems to have taken the coincidence in stride because he happily posed for a picture. Now he knows what he would look like if he were ever turned into a cartoon.
When True Fans Collide
There are fans and then there are true fans. Two true fans walked into a bar one night and this photo happened as a result. As you can tell, they’re both huge fans of actor Bill Murray. The guy on the left walked in and the guy on the right commented on how much he liked his shirt. He then lifted his sleeve to reveal an arm tattoo of the exact same Bill Murray portrait.

This fan collab is next-level amazing. We hope these two became fast friends after this chance encounter. The only thing that would make this photo even more epic would be if Bill Murray himself popped up in the background. Considering that fans see Bill everywhere, it wouldn’t be unheard of.
A Picture-Picture Smile
This coincidental shirt incident is sweet and funny. This little girl is quite an adventurous kid. As with any adventurous kiddo, accidents are prone to happen. She was roller skating, ran into a wall, and broke her front tooth in half. She took it in stride, though, and didn’t let the accident get her down.

Her mom found a huge irony during her accident. She was wearing this shirt when she broke her front tooth. It seems pretty spot-on but for all the wrong reasons. That broken tooth will make her smile famous, all right. We hope she wore this shirt when she got her tooth repaired. The dentist probably would have gotten a kick out of it.
There's Always One
There's always one guy in the room who has to one-up everyone else. Oh, you went to Mexico on vacation? That's cute, my parents own three villas there. Oh, you got a promotion at work? How exciting, I remember my first promotion all those years ago. Oh, you walk the walk? That's such great exercise for you — me? I prefer to fly.

Obviously, this guy is sitting right next to (and juuust in front of) the guy on the left. How could he pass up such a golden opportunity to gloat? Alright, maybe we're projecting. Maybe the guy on the right is a stand-up guy who happened to be at the right place at the right time. Maybe...
Guess What? You’re My Fan!
This serendipitous shirt is kind of a deep cut. True fans of “Sonic the Hedgehog” will appreciate it, though. The guy on the left is a huge fan of the original “Sonic” video game, so he wears his vintage t-shirt with pride. One day, as he was walking around San Francisco, a random man stopped him on the street to talk about his shirt.

As it turns out, he was no random man. His name is Ryan Drummond, the original English voice actor for the first “Sonic the Hedgehog” video game. While it’s not exactly a flex that he had to explain who he was, the video game fan was thrilled once he learned his claim to fame. Plenty of voice actors have the same problem of not being recognized. Or maybe it’s a blessing in disguise.
Wu-Tang Clan, But Make It Soccer
A girl’s soccer game is one of the places you’d least expect to find the ‘90s hip-hop collective Wu-Tang Clan. Yet here we are. Okay, it’s not literally the Wu-Tang Clan. But, the placement of these jerseys is a fun nod to the famous group. Someone noticed these girls sitting next to each other on the sidelines and simply had to capture the musically inspired moment.

This joke only works if you’re of a certain age (yes, we’re calling ourselves old). The girls in this photo are probably too young to know and appreciate Wu-Tang Clan. Kids these days. At least the person who snapped this photo appreciated the coincidence.
Oh Snap!
Photography is really amazing because it can capture those split seconds before something big is about to happen. The moment before something climactic is often just as dramatic because of the anticipation in the frame. That’s exactly what’s happening in this photo. This photo captured the moment before this guy’s day was ruined and he got completely overtaken by a wave.

The look on his face says it all. Actually, the phrase on his shirt says it all, too. “Oh snap!” is definitely what’s coming out of that guy’s mouth in this photo. This is one of those moments that you can’t plan ahead of time. It’s just too perfectly coordinated.
This Is Fine
This photo is kind of graphic, so skip it if you get queasy over injuries. This poor guy dislocated his knee one day and was wearing the most ironic t-shirt imaginable. Thankfully, his friend was there to document the whole ordeal. Oh, and he also lent him a hand and gave him love and support. Probably.

This poor guy’s shirt is pretty adamant that his injury is just a tiny scratch. We’re guessing the shirt is a reflection of this guy’s attitude. We wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to pass off this dislocated knee as totally unimportant and chill. Sir, that knee injury does not look like it’s just a scratch. He should go get that checked out.
The Force Is Strong With This One
This has to be the most iconic shirt-meets-celebrity moment in the history of humankind. You may think we’re being dramatic, but take a look at the photo. That man on the right is none other than George Lucas. In case you don’t know who we’re talking about, George Lucas is the guy who invented “Star Wars.”

We can only imagine how much the fan on the left was internally freaking out. Imagine running into George Lucas on the street while wearing a “Star Wars” adjacent t-shirt. This is a photo of two men, but it’s also a photo of a “Star Wars” fan’s peak moment in life. It doesn’t get better than this. We’re sorry to say, but this guy’s life is all downhill from here. There’s no way anything could ever top this amazing moment.
We don’t know if we should laugh or cry at this photo. This guy ended up in the emergency room one evening. Depending on your sense of humor, he was wearing a shirt that could be interpreted as completely inappropriate or wildly hilarious. We’re not sure what side you fall on, but we think wearing a shirt that says “You only live once” to an emergency room is pretty brash and hilarious.

Where’s the lie? You really do only live once. Many a trip to the emergency room can be a scary reminder of that. Embracing dark humor is definitely a way to cope. If anything, the most distressing thing about this photo is the two clocks on the wall. No one in that emergency room knows what time it is.
Never Breaking Character
“Breaking Bad” fans everywhere are quaking in their boots. Gus Fring, the show’s main antagonist, came upon this “Breaking Bad” fan and was not amused by his t-shirt. As it turns out, Fring still has a feud with Walter White. In all seriousness, the commitment that actor Giancarlo Esposito has to this bit is incredible.

Is this pose a joke? Sure, but there’s still a flicker of fear in this fan’s eyes. Esposito is holding a real box cutter up to his throat! Maybe his choice of shirt wasn’t the best idea. Sometimes it’s best to blend into the background and pick something more neutral and unassuming. It probably doesn’t help that he looks a lot like Jesse Pinkman…
A Beautiful Li’l Sebastian Tribute
We know and love Chris Pratt as the goofy Star-Lord superhero from “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Before that, he was just another goofy guy on “Parks and Recreation.” Nowadays, fans seem unlikely to casually run into Chris Pratt at work or on the street. Back in the 2010s, it was entirely possible.

This lucky lady got to meet “Andy” in real life. The best part? She happened to be wearing her brand-new Li’l Sebastion t-shirt when she met him. Li’l Sebastion was a staple of “Parks and Recreation” lore by the time she met Chris Pratt. We’re sure he appreciated the reference.
A School Picture Day Fail
This guy’s school photo was a total fail. Literally. This kid woke up for school that morning and chose violence. Violence against himself. No high schooler wants a photo of themselves wearing a shirt that says “failure” on it. Talk about self-sabotaging. This poor guy didn’t think out his picture-day outfit appropriately.

Let this photo fail be a lesson to us all. Always give yourself a once-over in the mirror before you step out that front door. You never know what you could be missing by not doing a fit check. The funny thing is that this shirt probably says something inspiring like, “Failure is not an option.” Apparently, it is.
That's Awkward
This almost looks too good to be true. The story here is that this guy dropped some egg on his shirt at the exact right place for it to be this awkward. The stain almost looks like it's part of the original design. Although, that would be pretty gross. Without the stain, this is a perfectly nice shirt. With it, it's a little barfy.

Suddenly, this isn't a shirt you can wear on a date. So maybe the story is verified, and it really is an egg stain. It would make sense that no manufacturer or designer with any sense of dignity would produce something like this.