Our advice? Do not follow this advice! We repeat, do not follow this advice!
Hot Take
What do hot chocolate and sisterly advice have in common? Both can be sweet and both can burn if you're not careful. It seems that Samantha followed her sister's hot chocolate hack and took a giant gulp of steaming cocoa through a straw. Unfortunately, it turns out that her sister's advice was more sinister than sweet.

We're cringing imagining just how painful this was! Hopefully, Samantha's taste buds bounced back in time for her to enjoy the chocolatey drink once more, only this time with no straw or sister in sight.
Disposable Friends
The delight of taking photos has taken a nosedive ever since our phones came equipped with cameras. It's almost too easy to take a picture nowadays. That's why disposable cameras and the slow process of getting your images developed have made a comeback. The delayed gratification of having to wait a while to see how your pictures turn out is all part of the fun.

Coby would have lost his chance to partake in this nostalgic activity if he had listened to his friend's terrible advice. We can only hope that Coby developed the pictures he took before getting rid of the camera!
Mathematical Certainty
Something just isn't adding up here. Sure, multiplying anything by zero will give you zero, but approaching math with the mindset that it doesn't exist is a one-way ticket to failing the subject.

Math is difficult enough, so we can't understand how this bizarre study technique would help you conquer any calculation. Perhaps Christi would fair better if she relied on mathematical formulas and not her friend to get through her math homework.
Perm-anently a Bad Idea
Yes, DIY hairstyling is tempting since it saves you an expensive visit to the hair salon. However, when it doesn't work, (you know, because you're not a trained hairdresser or beautician) the results can be hair-raising, to say the least! A perm is a particularly brave hairstyle to DIY because of its texture-changing and enduring nature.

Sometimes at-home jobs just aren't worth the money you save. We think we can speak for everyone when we say that we wish we could see photographic evidence of this less-than-picturesque perm!
Not Such a Bright Spark
It's safe to say that anything electronic and your microwave don't mix! Getting your phone wet is one of life's little annoyances and there are many 'phone hacks' out there claiming to be a quick and easy fix to your soaked phone. Most are hit and miss!

However, we can say quite confidently that this 'hack' is 100% guaranteed to make the situation worse in every way possible. The best advice we can give is to keep your phone out of the water and out of the microwave!
Regret Nothing
Ah, we've all wished for a real-life undo button to erase the misdeeds of the night before. If only snoozing until noon did the trick.

The problem is regrets don't magically expire after 12 pm. Whenever you do wake up, they'll be there for you to deal with, be it morning or night. It's best to rip the bandaid off and face issues you may have as soon as possible.
Bad Tips
Before you switch from sour to spicy, remember that Tequilla, salt, and lemon are established trio for a reason. Don't pull a Yoko and try to break up the band. It seems that Irene was trying to find a drinking hack that lets her drink without getting drunk. Well Irene, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

While Irene had to deal with a sore throat for a few days, her waitress had to deal with a bad tip for dishing out, well.. a bad tequila tip to her patrons. We'll drink to that!
Don't Ask for Directions
If you're trying to survive in the wilderness, it's good practice to get creative and use whatever resources you have to help you endure. Turn your jacket into a tent, your watch into a compass, or use duct tape as a bandage. What isn't resourceful is destroying the only way you can find your way home.

It's good to ask for directions if you're lost, but not if those directions entail burning your map! Next time, Caitlin's brother ought to pack some backup flint and a friend with more camping experience.
Driving Under the Influence
Getting driving lessons from your parents is a right of passage. While each parent may have their own special driving tips to bestow on their children, this tip doesn't seem road-worthy.

The first piece of advice from any driving instructor, be it your parent or a paid professional, ought to be to keep your eyes on the road at all times. You won't get 'hypnotized' by the road, instead, you'll keep yourself and other drivers safe and sound.
Bat Your Lashes
Don't pluck your eyelashes! They won't grow longer, they'll just take longer to grow.

Why, Melanie, why? There are a plethora of ways to extend your lashes without any plucking involved! She could've tried rubbing her lashes with coconut oil, using a lengthening mascara, or getting false lashes! We hope Melanie's eyelashes are back in action and ready to bat away.
It's Electrifying!
Margaret was probably shocked to discover that metal paperclips can conduct electricity. The general takeaway from this should be "if it's not a plug, don't stick it into a light socket." It seems pretty simple, but unfortunately, there are people out there who will try to convince you otherwise.

If Margaret isn't still in shock from the awful advice she received, she should keep paperclips on paper and out of electricity's way.
Meddling Mother-In-Law
Mother doesn't always know best. Date films should be filled with romance and not break-ups. It doesn't exactly set an optimistic tone for the future. Sam's mother-in-law was definitely doing her best to put her daughter's new beau to the test with this piece of advice.

Luckily, it seems Sam conquered his mother-in-law's challenges and eventually got married to his sweetheart. Hopefully, there's no breakup in sight.
Hold It In
We can all agree that medical advice should only come from licensed professionals. This is especially true when it comes to any laxative guidance. The cure for a cough should not be an attempt to cover it up. Instead, it should be a medication that targets the cause.

Just remember that there are bodily reactions, sometimes induced by laxatives, that are far worse than a cough. You don't need to go to such extremes. The only thing that Michael should take is a trip to the doctor.
An Education
Stay in school kids! Especially if you're considering dropping out only because a mysterious old man told you to. This isn't the beginning of a fantastical quest. It's real life, and you'll need your education to help you navigate the world.

Plus, these days mean you need a high school education at the very least if you want a job. Hopefully, Eric didn't take the old man's advice, and instead finished high school and got the education that everyone deserves the opportunity to get.
In a Pickle
Cleaning DIYs are often pretty successful. However, trying to mask one bad smell with another is futile. Think of toilet sprays. One smell never completely cancels out the other. Instead, you're stuck with an unpleasant mix of the two.

Kelly figured this out the hard way. Vinegar is a naturally strong acidic substance that cuts through the grime. Unfortunately, it comes with a strong smell. There's a reason why "pickled cigarettes" is not a popular car air freshener scent. Next time Kelly might want to take a trip to her local carwash.
Here's the Tea
We can only hope that Jesse's brother really did think that hot tea bags would be helpful and not harmful. Maybe he meant warm tea bags and not piping hot ones. Either way, steaming teabags should stay in your cup and away from your very sensitive eye bags.

Instead of ridding Jesse of her dark circles, the hot tea bags likely left red and rashy burnt circles. Not an improvement! Next time Jesse, try some cool cucumber slices or get a good night's sleep.
Pounds of Papaya
Diet and exercise fads will perpetually come and go. While papaya is loaded with nutrients and anti-oxidants, using it as magical weight-reducing body cream will likely not have the desired effect.

You may get a beautiful papaya fragrance for the next few days, or have a slight orange tint to your skin, but miraculous weight loss will likely not occur. Instead, why not enjoy papaya for its most popular use, as a tasty and healthy snack to enjoy.
Minty Fresh
The similarities between mint and wasabi stop at the condiments' green coloring.

Wasabi is ground-up Japanese horseradish that's intended to be eaten in small quantities along with sushi. Not as an after-dinner mint. Eating a large amount of wasabi in one go would result in an intense burning sensation, runny nose, and tears. Take your friend's advice with a pinch of salt... or rather a pinch of wasabi!
There's a First Time for Everything
Falling pregnant isn't always easy. There are many factors that can affect a person's fertility rate and the likelihood of pregnancy. These include hormonal changes and health levels. However, it being her first time doing the deed is not a factor that reduces your level of fertility.

It seems that 1st time was the charm for Christine!
Hot Wheels
This sounds like mechanical advice straight out of a Mad Max movie, which is arguably not a good thing. Flames plus your car should never equal acceleration. If anything it should signal a stop, drop, and roll situation.

If Rick followed this advice, he'd be driving straight to the hospital and then to a car dealership to purchase a new car.
Sleep Like a Baby
Whoever gave Britta this piece of advice obviously forget to mention the all-important second step, shake the powder off. Baby powder has cleansing properties and can freshen up your sheets, but it's not meant to be a permanent feature of your sleeping space.

We've all woken up feeling like a stuffed pastry after eating a big meal the night before. However, waking up looking like a powdered doughnut must certainly have been an unusual experience.
Advice for a Rainy Day
This is a textbook example of 'dad-advice'. Stating the obvious without solving any problems. It's like the 'dad-joke' but more annoying because there's actually something to fix.

As the saying goes, "when it rains, it pours" so don't let a downpour bring down your house. We hope that John looked elsewhere for repair tips and fixed the leak in his roof before the next big storm.
The stock market is, by its nature, a gamble. However, purchasing stocks from companies that appear to be evergreen is usually a safe bet. We're sure that at the time that Linda's teacher gave this advice, Blockbuster stocks appeared to be a fool-proof investment.

However, as we now all know, the streaming services revolution knocked Blockbuster off its throne. It made Blockbuster stocks about as valuable as the VHS tapes and DVDs gathering dust in your garage.
Shop Till You Drop
A little retail therapy never hurt anyone. Emphasis on the "little." Blowing your budget on unnecessary items is a slippery slope to a negative bank balance. This piece of advice should come with the caveat to still save for a rainy day.

Financial advice should come from...well... financial advisors! It's in the name people.
Third Time's a Charm
When you apply for a job, the more experience you have the better. However, unlike job experience, being 'experienced' in marriages is not a great indicator that a person knows how to be a successful spouse. That's because one of the cornerstones of marriage is trying to make the relationship last in the long run.

Perhaps it would've been more helpful if the man had started with the disclaimer of being married three times before relaying unsolicited marriage advice.
Are You Kid(ney)ing?
Anyone that's had the unfortunate experience of dealing with kidney stones would know the trials and tribulations it takes to get rid of them. Gulping down a 2-liter bottle of coke is not an easy fix. If anything it may be a quick cavity causer or raise your blood sugars. Will it get rid of kidney stones? No.

Let's just hope that this advice came from a friend and not a medical professional because that would be really difficult to swallow.
Not Noted
There are times when reaching inside your bag, taking out a pad and pen seems like too great a task. Instead, you convince yourself that you don't need to take notes, you'll just use the ultimate note-taker, your mind!

The elephant in the room is that, unlike elephants, we are prone to forget things. Just take notes, you'll thank yourself later.
Bar Hopping Mad
Water's wonderous wellness powers are limited. There's a point in any drunken escapade where a glass of water won't be enough to counteract the alcohol that came before it.

This seems to be where Alison went wrong. Crossing fingers that Alison had a glass of water and headed home instead of powering through to the next bar. If not, we're sure she gets a headache just thinking about it.
No Filter
When in the workplace, always use a filter. We're not talking about coffee filters. We mean before you voice your opinions, you ought to double-check that whatever you say won't get you sent to the Human Resources department.

Kerri's mom should maybe have clarified that this particular piece of advice doesn't always translate well in the work environment. Just remember that you have to see your co-workers every day so it's best not to offend anyone.
Count-Less Calories
Ah if only this piece of pizza advice was true. It would make for the perfect guilt-free snack which is ultimately the key to world peace!

While this tip isn't factual, it sounds like Robert's dad was just trying to make his son feel better about eating pizza now and then. If advice like this makes you feel better while eating your favorite food, then perhaps it's actually great advice.
Bake and Switch
Cooking may be an art, but baking is science. Baking powder and baking soda are not interchangeable., even if they look exactly the same! Baking powder has an acidic element incorporated into it already, while baking soda does not.

This difference may seem inconsequential, but in the baking world, adding the wrong one can be the difference between life and death. To clarify, the life and death of your cupcakes.
Coffee Comes First
If you're one of the 1 billion earth dwellers that drink coffee, you'll know that not starting your day with a cup of joe can make or break your day. As well as the day of the people around you. If you need a daily dose of caffeine, it's best to not cut your cups of coffee cold turkey.

If you do decide to follow this advice, it's best to give everyone in your life some fair warning that they'll be dealing with the grumpiest version of you. Whatever helps you get up in the mornings and start your day is A-OK!
Labour Pains
Walking up the stairs backward is especially risky for someone who is 9 months pregnant, with swollen feet, and an extra-large belly. That's why this advice is particularly perplexing.

There are safer ways to try to induce labor, like eating spicy food or blowing up balloons. Labor, like its namesake, is a difficult process to endure. It shouldn't have to be induced by a tumble down the stairs.
Bacon for Bad Skin
Pimples are caused by excess oil and dirt trapped in your pores. So while everyone has their own homemade cure for acne-ridden skin, we're not sure what a piece of oily bacon would do to help.

If it worked for Alexia's grandmother, we're pretty confident that it was a fluke. We luckily live in a day and age where cosmetic choices are endless, so you don't have to resort to putting a piece of pork on your pores to clear your skin.
Not a Rom-Com
No! Don't do this. This move is less romantic than it is breaking, entering, and stalking. You don't want to be a triple threat, at least not in that way. If you have to break into someone's home to make a romantic gesture, then you're doing something wrong.

Call us old-fashioned, but there has to be a less creepy alternative to keeping the spark alive.
Ditch Those Driving Lessons
Learning to drive with your parents can be challenging enough. It's usually a recipe for a family feud. It seems that Cait's confusion stemmed from her dad's less-than-crystal-clear instructions.

Most reasonable people would, as Cait did, interpret "Punch It Chuck!" as a command to accelerate and not to turn the wheel. We're glad to see that any potential accident was averted. It might be prudent for Cait to bring along a dad translator to the next driving lesson.
Trust Your Gut
No one knows your body as you do. This is especially true when it comes to any allergic reactions you may experience. If you know that something you've eaten has spurred an allergic response, don't let your friend convince you to eat more.

Unfortunately in Ryan's case, whoever was giving that advice obviously cared very little about Ryan's wellbeing and more about witnessing a funny allergic reaction. Not cool!
Rejection isn't easy for either party. The rejectee has to endure the pain of not being wanted while the rejector has to deliver the gut punch. This often calls for a good layer of sugar coating. However, the reason has to be...well... believable at the very least.

No matter how gullible a person may be, something tells us that the excuse of not liking food altogether just wouldn't cut it.
Sinister Sister
We can't help but admire Christopher's sister's business brain. From such a young age, she was already making money moves. We do wonder how long his sister was able to keep her scam going until Christopher realized what was happening.

If we were Christorpher, we would demand our allowance back, with an apology and interest!
Dodging Drops
Even for the stealthiest of runners, dodging raindrops in a downpour isn't possible. Instead of dishing out some factual tips, Alex's got a classic piece of 'dad advice'. It's always rooted in humor with no real-world application.

An umbrella or raincoat should do the trick to truly dodge pesky raindrops. However, a more enjoyable way to deal with drops is to embrace the phrase, "if you can't beat em, join em" and go dancing in the rain.
Choked Up
In times of panic, often the obvious solution isn't immediately clear. However, in this case, we're pretty sure Maegan knew very well she needed to breathe, but given that she was choking, breathing wasn't really an option for her.

This makes her friend's advice rather redundant and unhelpful. Instead, Meagan would likely have preferred a good old Heimlich maneuver.
Stop Taking That Advice
No matter the frame, stop at a stop sign! They aren't there for decoration, they're there to keep you and other drivers safe. Ignore the color of the border and instead focus on the four big letters that spell out S-T-O-P.

Hopefully, Marci and her friends very quickly learned that they were mistaken and continued to follow the rules of the road, including stopping at every single stop sign.
Lightly Salted
We may be used to seeing salt on the dinner table, but during snowy seasons, you'll see salt sprinkled all over the road as well. It serves a very important function of preventing ice from forming.

Road salt doesn't go through the same purification process as the salt we use to season our food. This may be why eating it will induce nausea and why this advice should be taken with a pinch of salt at best.
It Burns!
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! We cringed reading this. There's nothing worse than enjoying a long day in the sun, only to discover that you forgot to reapply your sunscreen. The dreaded mirror-check is next where you get to see the full-scale of the damage done and determine the level of tomato-red you are.

Wearing tight clothes will not help alleviate the sunburn and if anything it will also make matters far worse. Stick to aloe vera and loose clothing.
Canine Companion
Dogs are a man's best friend, or at least they're supposed to be. Unfortunately for Mark, it turns out his canine was less of a companion and more of an adversary. Unrequited love, especially from your pet is a rejection like no other.

A few dog treats and a long walk might make his dog more friendly. If not, we hope that Mark managed to find a friend in feline form or perhaps even a human.
Tequila Tip
Grandmothers are known for their traditional and homemade remedies for a cold. Usually, the suggested cures include warm soup and lots of rest. Well, this isn't your traditional grandmother! We're not sure if tequila counts as medicine for the common cold, but it certainly can make you forget that you have one.

If Ruben's grandmother is still alive and kicking, perhaps we should all take a page out of her medicinal book and swap the flu shot for a tequila shot the next time we have the sniffles.
Peanut Perfection
There are a few pure pleasures left nowadays. Peanut butter, in all its creamy nutty goodness, stands the test of time for being the ultimate tasty spread (or stand-alone snack). Sure, it may not be everyone's favorite flavor but that doesn't mean you should EVER be shamed for indulging in a good dollop of peanut butter on your sandwich.

Do what makes you happy, especially if that's snacking on a big peanut butter sandwich.
Advice That Stings
Whether or not eye color is a sign that a bumblebee will sting you, bumbling around trying to test that theory is never a risk that's worth taking. A bumblebee sting can pack a powerful and painful punch.

We're sure Matalyn found out the hard way that not all pieces of 'dad-advice' should be followed. Especially the ones that involve getting up close and personal with stinging creatures.
Arms Race
Even with all of Maisy's grandmother's life experience this piece of advice is particularly unhelpful and incorrect. We have all these limbs for a reason. To use them. Arms aren't just there to hang awkwardly and to stuff in pockets.

Using your legs and your arms while you run will propel you forward much faster than keeping your arms at your sides. Not to mention, it will keep you from toppling over mid-run. Next time you're being chased, use your arms!
Ant Eater
While this is really terrible advice, we can't help by wonder why McKenna just didn't eat some actual Sweet Tarts and hot tamales instead of ingesting fire ants. We can only hope that they didn't taste as spicy as they sound.

McKenna ought to stick to the regular food aisle as opposed to finding her lunch crawling on her floor.
Tired Pun
Let's just all agree to rule out using a pun to give advice. Putting a ruler under your bed will do nothing but make for a mediocre joke at best. It's certainly not a way to measure your sleep.

If Bryant is still interested in gauging his sleep, he could try using one of the many apps out there built for that very purpose. He could also do it the old-fashioned way and take note of when he goes to sleep and when he wakes up. Either way, a ruler won't be necessary.
Book Smart
We wish that book-to-human osmosis was possible. It would be the study hack to end all study hacks. Unfortunately, if you don't study and just rely on sleeping on your books, it's highly unlikely that you'll ace your test.

The best fool-proof way to boost your grades is to move your books from your pillow to your desk, open up them up, and...well...study.
Soupy Skin
A benefit of having a best friend is that you get to share your skincare tips to help each other out. Sure, this best friend may have magical skin that responds well to oily broccoli cheddar soup but something tells us otherwise.

Either way, it's advice that shouldn't be taken seriously. Instead, keep soup in your bowl and away from your face!
Spinning Out
Older siblings are supposed to give you some direction. However, telling your brother to spin in the opposite direction when dizzy is not what we had in mind.

It won't cancel out the dizziness. Instead, it'll just make it far worse. As we can tell from Jon's hashtags, it did get a lot worse!
Sink or Swim
Pool water is meant for swimming and not sniffing because it's highly chlorinated.

It seems that the idea of a cherry scent at the bottom of the pool was just too enticing for A.J. to pass up. He certainly learned the painful way that most pools are unscented and that chlorine burns if ingested. We just hope he hasn't gone deep diving for a strawberry scent either.
Street Smart
Always look both ways before you cross the street! Voluntarily getting hit by a car should never be an option. It's a one-way ticket to the hospital or worse. We can guarantee that the last thing you'll be thinking about is suing someone when you're in a full-body cast regretting your life choices.

If someone ever gives you this advice, take it as a sign to keep a lookout for new friends.
Directionless Driving
Car lights are not there for decoration. They serve a very important function to indicate to other drivers what you're doing or what you're going to do. Red lights tell other drivers to slow down, white lights mean you're backing up, and directional lights tell them which way you're about to turn.

Directional lights should not be considered as a suggestion or an optional accessory to use. Sure, it's no one's business where you may be going, but it's also everyone's business to stay safe on the roads.
Rice is a hygroscopic material, which means it absorbs water easily. That's where the wisdom of putting your soaked phone in a bowl of rice comes from.

Fries, on the other hand, being deep-fried slices of potato, are not hygroscopic. Putting your phone in a bowl of fries would probably just result in an oily and salty covering. Not appetizing or helpful.
Read the Fine Print
Sleeping on articles is not a way to imprint information into your brain. Instead, as we can tell from Christi's experience, it will just imprint onto your cheek. It's far less useful and not necessarily a great look.

Next time Christi should read the tone of her mother's advice before following it without question. To Christi's credit, there's a fine line, which can be smudged, between a joke and legitimate advice.
Pessimistic Prognosis
While it's tempting to digitally diagnose yourself, if you're not a medical professional, it may lead you down an online rabbit hole that will leave you with the impression that you have a far more serious ailment than you thought.

Maybe it's best to stick to the traditional getting-diagnosed-by-a-human-doctor. That way, you can avoid jumping to the worst-case scenario with a click of a mouse.
That Advice Stinks
This advice smells bad! When you work out, your body produces excess sweat. Sweat can have an...interesting smell. Firstly, you shouldn't have to change your hygiene habits to impress someone. Secondly, it's an unwritten rule to not walk around emitting body odor if you can help it.

If her username indicates anything, it's that this Twitter user enjoys a good run. So we can imagine she would be in an almost constant state of sweatiness. Hopefully, for the good of those around her, she did not take this advice seriously.
There is no universe where this piece of advice rings true. Do not be fooled! Oftentimes, withholding candy is the only card you can play to keep your kids in check. If you give in too early, say goodbye to peace and quiet and hello to screaming kids for the rest of your day.

Top tip: don't take your kid's advice when it comes to candy. It will always, and we mean always, be biased.
Tough Guy
If John wanted to find a partner and he didn't want to get arrested, then we really hope that he didn't follow this advice. A great way to meet someone at a bar is to introduce yourself and make conversation. Shockingly, it's not to physically assault people at random.

We know that finding love is challenging, but this advice is particularly unhelpful and won't help your cause.
We're pretty sure this breaks any educational ethical code. Ideally, a teacher is supposed to encourage their students to try their very best and apply themselves to their lessons. Cheating goes against that very premise. Even worse, it seems as if Will's teacher was not only encouraging him to cheat but to cheat 'well.'

We hope that this wasn't the education that Will got from his lessons and that instead, he learned that cheaters never prosper.
Aspirational Asparagus
Don't get us wrong, asparagus is a healthy food choice. It's packed with nutrients, vitamins, and, fiber. However, to hail it as a complete cure for type 1 diabetes is an extreme form of false advertising. It's an unfair expectation being put on a single green stalk that's likely not going to be met.

This is yet another example of the importance of only seeking medical advice from medical professionals.
We don't think that there is ever a situation so dire that requires a person to shove the sandwich and plate into the toaster. That's what makes this piece of advice so strange. We're not even sure what problem it's supposed to solve.

Next time you may be stuck as to what should or shouldn't be placed inside a toaster, use the 'toast' part as a hint. Only bread belongs in a toaster, and please people, not paper plates!
Get an Earful of This
The saying goes that "Mother knows best." So we can't really blame Jose for following his mother's advice, even if it involved lighting a highly flammable substance right by his ear canal. We're still trying to understand (to no avail) how this combination is supposed to cure earache.

We hope that Jose's earache was somehow cured post-lighting on fire and that his mom has learned to double-check her advice before she shoves it down her children's ears.
Ice Cold
We can all relate to being curious kids fascinated by the inner workings of even the simplest of household appliances. This includes the arctic icebox, or fridge, that kept our food cold. The light inside most fridges automatically switches off when you close the door. To a child, this may seem like a magic trick as opposed to an energy-conserving function.

So we can understand why this Twitter use may have wanted to believe his brother's advice enough, no matter how illogical and dangerous it sounded, in order to see the magic trick in action.
The Opposite of Right
Not only does it sound like Scott's dad is talking in circles, but the advice he gave his son would literally take him in circles. Unless Scott just wanted to ride around his block for eternity, this advice makes no sense.

What's even more bizarre is that there are simple alternatives to never turning left again. If a blinker stops working, you can use hand signals to indicate to cars where you're turning next. Alternatively, you can avoid all of this by just getting the blinker fixed. It's certainly quicker and easier than driving around in circles.
Save It!
The funny thing is that the first part of this advice is economically sound. It then takes a sharp turn into some severely flawed financial guidance. Put the two together and you get a counter-intuitive piece of advice.

It's the equivalent of keeping your shoes dry so you can use them to jump in puddles later. Ideally, you should save your money for rainy day and not for a day at the slots.
Question Everything
The human race has only explored 5% of the world's oceans and 4% of visible space. There is plenty we and any search engine still don't know. Instead of inspiring students to ask as many questions as possible, this teacher, unfortunately, made it seem like asking questions that were un-Googlable is somehow unintelligent.

We just hope that Sydney's curiosity wasn't dampened by this terrible advice and that she's continued to ask any question that comes to mind.
Doomed Without a Diaper
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. Either Donna would have to choose to make her baby's diaper rash worse or risk her sheets being ruined with no diaper to protect them. Either way, it will be messy. So while there's very little room for good advice in this scenario, we still don't think that Donna's mom's advice is great.

Perhaps if it came with a warning to protect her sheets with an extra towel or blanket, then any mess could've been avoided.
Long Way Down
Nothing quite compares to drinking an ice-cold glass of water on a hot sunny day. There is a small risk that you may gulp down more than water. It's possible for an ice cube to get lodged in your throat. If this happens don't panic and don't take this piece of bad advice. While this advice may technically work, it feels like the least logical and slowest way to deal with this particular problem.

Instead, try drinking a glass of warm water and let the ice cube melt in that way. Before you know it you should be back to drinking your cool glass of water without a fuss.
Mirror Mirror
Everyone deals with their own insecurities. Becca had the misfortune of reaching out to a person who just didn't have the right thing to say. Instead of quelling her insecurities, he offered up a piece of advice that would make even the most confident of people feel uncomfortable.

A better approach would've been to tell Becca that she is a beautiful person inside and out and to hopefully not seek validation from people who give bad advice like this.
Keep Moving!
Fathers like to impart wisdom to their offspring. However, it usually doesn't include a step-by-step guide on how to spring off of a moving vehicle. No matter how important your destination may be, or how much you may not feel like walking, the risk of serious injury caused by jumping off of a bus never seems worthwhile.

We can only hope that Rakhee has learned to get off a bus in the traditional way, even if it doesn't stop at her desired destination.
All Grown Up
Adulting is hard. Not only is finding a job a challenge but actually performing your job can come with immense stress and difficulty. While it may not be a feasible option for everyone, if you are able to put off adulting right after you graduate college, then do it!

The longer you don't officially grow up and join the rat race means the longer you go without dealing with paying bills, unnecessary meetings, and bad fluorescent office lighting. It seems that Ashley has learned this the hard way.
Irritating In-Laws
There are many ways to pick your perfect match. You can base your decision on a person's appearance, personality, and background. It's understandable to be picky when it comes to choosing the person you'll spend the rest of your life with. However, we think that Ricky's dad really pushed the limit with his advice.

Ideally, a person's parents, or rather lack thereof, should not be the determining factor of whether or not to select a spouse. Rather focus on a less arbitrary feature like their favorite color or TV show.
Bite of Bad Advice
If there's one thing the entire planet can collectively agree on, is that mosquitos are the worst! They sound annoying and they leave behind itchy bite marks. What's not to despise? We're not surprised that there is an array of DIY hacks to try to relieve an itchy mosquito bite. Aloe vera and oatmeal are some popular remedies touted online.

However, scotch tape is certainly an outlier, and for good cause. We can't imagine scotch tape alleviating any discomfort and since it's not made to be left on the skin, we aren't surprised that it made Kate's situation even worse.
Relationship Woes
Open communication is the key to a strong and healthy relationship. So while Brian's former girlfriend's advice seems like good guidance on the surface, it's ineffective if one person is not receptive to it.

Ironically, in this scenario, Brian's former girlfriend was not open to the very advice that she gave to him. Here's some alternative advice: don't give the advice if you aren't able to follow through with it. It seems understandable that the two are no longer in a relationship.
Food for Thought
Friends don't let friends eat mayo bread. This should somehow be legally binding. Mayonaise is already a fairly divisive condiment. It's tangy and creamy and arguably best when added to a scrumptious sandwich. Mary, unfortunately, had a friend who convinced her to try mayonnaise bread, which as described is just mayonnaise on bread.

While there isn't a big clash of flavors or textures, just the thought of eating plain mayonnaise off a slice of bread is enough to make us cringe. The more you think about it, the worse and worse it sounds.