It can be pretty tough to make time to exercise, especially when everything is so chaotic—taking care of kids, managing work and trying to have a social life. Thankfully, the Heart Foundation has great tips to keep us fit all day long.

1. Walking or cycling to the office is a great way to get moving in the morning. If work is too far, and you have to use the bus, getting off a few stops earlier is one way to fit walking into your schedule. If you work in a building, the stairs can be a better option than the elevator. You can also use the stairs for a few floors if your office is too far up in the building.
2. The usual trip to the bathroom can also be an excellent way to exercise by using the ones furthest from your seat or finding one on another floor and using the stairs.
3. Try something new during your mid-morning coffee run and try different cafes around your workplace. The further, the better.

4. If you’re going to the supermarket or shopping center, park in the furthest corner to give yourself more steps. Walk to your local shops or if you have a favorite place to shop, park a few streets away to add in more exercise.
5. When at home, walk around if you’re on the phone with friends or family. You can also take your phone outside and enjoy the garden while talking if the weather is good.
6. Visit the a Heart Foundation website for more information on exercising while balancing a busy schedule.