While trends come and ago, there are certain looks that remain timeless. This couldn’t be truer for the no make-up look. While you could always opt for just not applying make-up, flawless skin is a rarity, so there is nothing wrong with applying few touch-ups to make you look radiant and glowing, all while maintaining the natural look. Think it’s impossible? Think again! It’s far easier than you thought.

Healthy Skin
Nothing compares with smooth skin. This, of course, doesn’t happen by accident. There are a few key skin products that are simply a must. A gentle exfoliating rub is crucial. You’re going to need something to rid your face of dead skin cells. A cleanser is super helpful too and for those of you with very dry skin, hydrating toner is another must.
A Matching Base
It goes without saying that a base that matches your natural skin tone is required. Its always a dead give away to reveal you’re wearing makeup if your base does not match your complexion. Luckily, there are countless brands out there for all skin tones and skin types, so you will not have any trouble finding whatever is right for you.

Use a Little Concealer
The secret to concealer is less is more. The only spots you really need this for is for those stubborn dark spots under the eye or blemishes here and there. The rest you can just apply some minimal coverage to balance it out. Opt for the ones that are lightweight. Remember, choose your shade carefully.
Shape Those Brows
Nothing refines your face more than some shapely eyebrows. It really is the cherry on top of a natural face ready for the world, vs a face that just woke up. It’s also important to pat it down and do hair strokes in the same direction. If you need a pencil, go for a skinny and fine-tipped one.