If you can’t get enough of fellow passengers or have never stepped foot on a bus, then look no further. We’ve put together yet another list of commuters that are bound to have you laughing and wondering where exactly these travelers are going.
Buckethead’s Fabulous Brother
We don’t think Glitterhead will be able to shred as hard as his more-famous sibling, but at least he gets many weird looks while riding the subway! We at least hope that unique headgear helps this person keep warm since it doesn’t look all that comfortable when you get right down to it.

We really must ask – why would someone wear something like this? Is this person getting glammed up just to make sure people see him or her? Is this person on the way to an interview, and it requires the most gold to be put on the body as possible? Everything else is...relatively normal, but that hood is in a world of its own.
It Was a Gift, Okay?
There’s no way this is even close to the weirdest thing you’ll see if you spend a day riding the subways in a busy city. It’s just a guy carrying a stuffed...wait, what exactly is that creature? We initially thought it was a ferret, but now we’re not so sure. It would be a pretty chunky ferret if that were the case.

The face is almost doglike, while the body appears to be part squirrel, part beaver, and part chipmunk. Somebody went to a lot of work putting that thing together. At least it looks nice. The quality is there, it’s just...we’re not sure what kind of quality it is.
Ready for the Rain
You’d be amazed how many people will leave you if you have a piece of lettuce on your head. This guy knows how to have a nice, relaxing ride on the subway – grab some salad and make it into a hat you can eat as soon as you get home. There is the standard “this person thinks a lot differently from everybody else in the world” explanation.

But we can’t think of an actual reason why this person would have a lettuce leaf on his head. Maybe he had just gone to buy groceries and didn’t have any more space in his bags? Maybe he lost a bet, and now most wears produce? We don’t know. Maybe he just wanted his picture taken.
Oral Hygiene
It's so important to take care of your teeth, that's why Molly over here makes sure to pack her toothbrush and toothpaste in her bag before she leaves for work every morning. Handbags do play an essential role in the life of modern women, and by the looks of it, her bag has her entire closet in there!

We wonder what else she is hiding in there. We can visualize a Mary Poppins scene, where she will start pulling out endless objects from out of the bag like a standing lamp, a soccer ball, and a sink. For brushing her teeth.
Is That Jesus?
There's a song that goes, "Jesus rides the subway, and he looks a lot like everyone he sees, Jesus rides the subway while the pretty people sleep." Maybe this scene was the inspiration for that song. This is a sign that this is the subway you should ride. You will be blessed by Jesus, and you will surely know you are heading in the right direction.

Not every day you come across the son of the lord that embraces you with prayer, condolence, and comfort. Bless you, lord, this is my lucky day. The smiles on the other people's faces express it all. There is no need for words.
Darth Vader
Here we have Darth Vader, who seems deep in thought. We wonder if it's the same Darth Vader we always see on the Sunbway or if there are actually a number of them scattered around the city. Has he made some questionable choices and had to run away to another country?

Even before he turned to evil, he showed problems with impulsivity, violent outburst, and identity crises, all this would explain his solemn demeanor while riding this bus in a faraway place. And what about the little old lady up front? Is she ever aware of what is going on behind her?
Dr. Evil
Dr. Evil is the dimwitted evil genius and nemesis of Austin Powers, and we just found him! Turns out he moved to the suburbs while working a 9-5 job in the city and enjoys listening to smooth jazz while on his daily commute. Who would have thought that this notorious villain, once plotting world domination, now finds solace in the simplicity of everyday life?

It looks like all that power and money didn't make him happy, and being incredibly evil doesn't pay, so he decided to give it all up for a simpler way of life. Embracing a simpler existence, he left behind the allure of villainy for a life that offers greater fulfillment and contentment.
Santa's Everywhere
The subway, a melting pot of humanity, has become a canvas for a merry spectacle. It's cool to see so many Santas traveling using the subway, donning their iconic red suits, navigating the underground world with a whimsical flair, and doing some un-Santa-like things. We can't help but wonder where they were heading. This proves the sheer popularity of the subway, even Santa likes taking the underground train every once in a while.

If only we could have been there, we have very important matters to discuss with Santa regarding our Christmas present from when we were nine. The subway has become a stage for these fantastical encounters, leaving us to wonder and dream of future rendezvous with the jolly gift-giver.
Sometimes Spiderman needs to take advantage of the convenience the subway provides while not being too expensive. If only more superheroes would use public transport, they'd probably conserve a lot of energy. These onlookers look shocked, we can bet they never expected to be sitting so close to Peter Parker while he was wearing his spider gear.

What a time to be alive! We wonder how many train passengers actively thought (or wished to think) this Spiderman was Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, or Tobey Maguire and asked themselves, what did they do in life to turn out so absolutely lucky?
Sad Goku
We think the story behind this is that Goku has school at 9 am, but he still has to defeat Freezer at 4 pm and doesn't know how to finish his homework in time for soccer practice. Goku is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball-Z series.

He's like the anime version of Superman. And here he is, traveling on the train. But he appears to be a little sad, almost like he's lost his way. Let's pull our way together and try and help Goku put a smile back on his face. The world is not all that bad, dude.
Scary Lady
Now is that a Victorian woman with a reptilian head or a dinosaur mutant wearing dressing up as a Victorian woman? It's hard to tell, but her neighbors look unbothered, as we would assume that she must be harmless either way. She appears to be holding some papers, maybe they're tickets to a concert in the city?

Or perhaps the papers include directions to her friends under the sewers...What is it with London and its commuters? Doesn't the local subway system have rules and regulations as to who and what can travel by train? You would never find this kind of phenomenon in NY. Well, at least not green ones.
Taking the Subway Must Be a Real Hoot
Honestly, is this Hogwarts Express? Where did all these owls come from? And why are they traveling on the subway? This seems like some kind of owl club taking a trip to the city. Many cultures have different myths and omens surrounding seeing an owl, we wonder what it means when you see this many on the subway. We're going to take it as something good!

This clan could also be on its way to Owl Camp. Seriously, we read about it. It operates during the summer month, and whoever owns an owl can join; however, there is no guarantee that the owl will actually learn something.
Seems Legit
Sometimes you can't help but think, "Am I really surrounded by idiots?" Many public transport people have had this thought, so you're not alone! There's a reason why we often struggle to connect with certain types of people. We hope this book was helpful with whatever, or whoever, this guy was surrounded by, at the very least, it can be a good distraction from your fellow commuters.

It must be difficult being the only 'non-idiot' on the subway! New regulation suggestion. The train carts should be divided into idiots, non idiota, and those who think they aren't and only spend time reading about them.
The Worst
Sometimes you look forward to your daily commute cause you get to listen to your favorite podcast, only to find this guy start playing terrible music from his makeshift didgeridoo and bongo drums. Not only are you in an enclosed space, but one of his instruments is so big it blocks the entire width of the car... What else could go wrong?

Not only is this guy possibly avoiding other passengers from getting on the train as that instrument takes up too much space, but he is also invading the ones that did get on, personal peace and quiet. People like this should be banned from traveling on public transportation.
If it Fits
Have you ever found a shirt in your closet that you weren't sure about, so you tried it on and by chance, it fits... So you say, "I might as well wear it." It's probably happened to all of us, but we can't imagine it happening with this shirt! This is definitely one of the more interesting shirts we've ever seen!

We can't help but wonder why this guy decided to buy it or even wear it in public, he just doesn't seem like that kind of guy. He either doesn't give a hoot about what people think or his better half got it for him as a Christmas present and he didn't want o hurt their feelings. We can understand.
The Subway Seems Weird Today
Is anyone else feeling claustrophobic when they see this crowded scene full of grown men dressed as penguins? We wonder what they were all up to and where they were going. Maybe it's a Linux convention? Whatever the reason behind this waddle of penguins, we're just glad we weren't there, and we can witness it from a safe distance.

If we have to throw a wild guess as to what was going on here, we would say this was either a movie cast whose director was too cheap to include travel expenses or a really boring Halloween party. Take your pick.
I'm Sorry
We wonder what he did to warrant this kind of apology, whatever it was, a pizza is a great way to show your remorse. We're sure whoever receives the pizza will enjoy it, even if they don't accept his apology. And what can't be repaired by pizza? As the saying goes, a way to anyone's heart is through their stomach.

When we think of it a little more, we have a feeling this guy was sent out to buy a pizza however couldn't help himself and ate half of it on the way back home. And that is, ladies and gentlemen, where the apology falls into place.
Knight on the Subway
After a tough day of slaying, rescuing a damsel in distress, and whatever else knights in armor get up to, this guy was tired! He took a snooze while riding the subway on his way home. Of course, his fellow passengers couldn't help but stare, we get it, how often do you get to see a knight in real life? Not very often we suppose.

Now what would you say if we told you this was not Halloween, and this dude was not coming back from no fancy dress party? This was a regular day on a regular hours, however, it involved a not-so-regular guy.
Just a Heads Up Would Be Nice
Maybe it looks a little scary, but at least he is keeping this little head nice and warm. Wrapped up in that scarf, this head actually looks pretty snug. What a nice man. His considerate gesture prompts a moment of admiration for his compassionate nature. The big question that we are all perhaps ignoring is, where is the rest of that poor head's body?

The stupidity of the situation dawns upon us, throwing a surreal shadow of mystery over the scene. It invites us to explore the realms of imagination and contemplate the boundless possibilities that exist beyond the constraints of logic. This guy, for sure, lives on a different planet.
In the aftermath of political power and the shifting landscape of life, one can't help but wonder about the post-presidential trajectory of iconic figures, as life can be pretty grim when you're not the president anymore. Is this what became of Obama? If that isn't him, then that is definitely his doppelganger.

As a playful side note, wouldn't it be a delightful twist if this look-alike were to one day ascend to the presidency? Imagining the reactions and confusion it would create adds a touch of humor and intrigue to the ever-unpredictable tapestry of politics. Who knows what destiny has in store?
What Planet Are We On?
This is an interesting species of extraterrestrial beings, to say the very least. It seems that this alien creature has taken a liking to garbage. You know what they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure. How intriguing! It ignites the imagination and raises questions about the wonders that await in their distant world.

Oh, to be whisked away on the next intergalactic flight to this captivating realm where garbage reigns supreme! It is a testament to the boundless diversity of the universe, reminding us that what may seem insignificant to us could hold immeasurable value in the eyes of beings from afar.
Subway Wars
Darth Vader was feeling a little bored with his life in a galaxy far away and decided to try things out on Earth. His first stop was New York City. Little did know about the world of subways. After all, if there's one place where the dark side's imposing presence won't raise too many eyebrows, it's amidst the city's fast-paced subway commuters.

Whether he's practicing his Force choke-hold to navigate the crowds or simply embracing the anonymity of the Big Apple, Darth Vader's arrival promises an amusing blend of galactic villainy and urban flair. Brace yourself, New York—your subway encounters are about to take an interstellar turn!
Time Traveling
It looks like this guy came from the 1800s to deliver this little package. Stuck on a modern-day London subway, this gentleman looks simply miserable and ready to turn back immediately. It's as if he's mentally calculating the feasibility of an immediate retreat. He should have just taken a horse and carriage.

As he glances at the perplexing array of gadgets and bustling commuters, one can almost hear him mutter, "In my day, we didn't need contraptions to get from point A to B!" Alas, his accidental foray into the present serves as a comedic reminder that even time travelers can find themselves longing for simpler, horse-drawn days.
Who Needs Friends When You Have Foxes
It always helps to have a travel companion, even if that companion is a stuffed fox puppet. Also, one can tell by his shirt and fox ears, that this guy sure does have a lot to say about foxes. We think it's fair to say that both he and his furry companion will not be bored on this train ride!

With their shared enthusiasm and the whimsical charm of the fox puppet, boredom is unlikely to make an appearance. As they engage in spirited conversations and imaginative play, their journey transforms into an enchanting adventure filled with laughter and furry camaraderie.
No Ghosts On this Train
There are all kinds of creatures on subways, not all of them we actually see, such as ghosts. But this guy does. It looks like he got rid of them, though it's hard to tell. We sure hope he did the job, it's perhaps a little more embarrassing for him if he didn't.

The burden of facing supernatural entities is one that few can comprehend, and the pressure to protect fellow commuters from the unseen can weigh heavily on him. May his efforts be fruitful, ensuring a ghost-free journey for all. So, how are we going to call? You got it, ghostbusters!
The Forlorn Lover
This man on his medieval-style Celtic harp looks like he's pondering his lost love. He sure did manage to keep everyone at bay while he hummed along, plucking those strings. His fingers dance delicately across the strings as if searching for solace within the enchanting melodies.

Yet, while his music captivates those nearby, it also creates an undeniable awkwardness. Perhaps his lover is on the next stop. It's time for him to set aside the harp momentarily, avoiding the appearance of desperation. Love may find its way, but a touch of restraint can go a long way in the realm of romantic pursuits.
I'm Not Here
Clearly, this young individual's attempt to conceal their identity by draping a shirt over their face is no magical invisibility cloak. Maybe this kid thought he was on the Hogwarts Express train straight to wizard training. If that is the case, he will have to learn that covering your face with a shirt is no way to disappear.

You can't blame him, though, nevertheless, one cannot fault their vivid imagination and the enchanting world they have conjured in their mind. In a place as bustling and mundane as a subway, it's refreshing to witness a spark of creativity and a glimpse into a world of possibilities.
No Dogs Allowed, But What About Rats?
We hope for everyone's sake that those rats stayed safely in his hood. A free rat on the subway floor is perceived a little differently. Snuggled up in his hoodie, they seem, dare I say, kind of cute. Most people are more than content with just a cat or a dog. Who knew that some people could really love a rodent?

Who would have thought that such a creature could elicit genuine love and adoration? The diverse range of human connections and the unexpected bonds formed within the confines of subway cars continue to surprise us, reminding us that our capacity for affection knows no bounds.
This takes the cake in the realm of creative avoidance tactics for unwanted conversations during commutes. This is actually terrifying. That rhino outfit is really convincing and pretty darn scary. Everyone just knew to stay out of his way! Will that creature be able to leave, though? It looks like it's going to be a tight squeeze.

How did he (or she) get in the first place? Was it a carefully orchestrated act of stealth or an impulsive decision that now presents logistical challenges? The enigmatic circumstances surrounding this particular scenario only intensify the intrigue within the bustling subway environment.
It's a War Out There
When hundreds of people are shoving their way through subway doors, getting on a train feels more like you're gearing up for battle than just getting from point A to B. To make it out in one piece, this guy dressed up as a plastic soldier and 'soldiered' through the crowds. However, one thing begs the question: how the heck is he breathing?

Perhaps he has devised a clever ventilation system or possesses an uncanny ability to endure confined spaces. Regardless, his unconventional approach to conquering the subway chaos certainly adds an element of intrigue to the already frenetic atmosphere underground.
Hotel Subway
Save some money and turn a subway cabin into an overnight lodge. It also looks like everyone got the message loud and clear, and steered clear of these sleepy heads. Also, are all those two guys matching outfits on purpose? Why spend a fortune on accommodation when you can save money by transforming a subway cabin into a cozy overnight lodge?

This brilliant idea seems to have resonated with many, as people have wisely avoided disturbing these peaceful sleepers. This peculiar sight adds an extra touch of intrigue to the already captivating subway scene. It's fascinating how people's resourcefulness and fashion choices can unexpectedly make the ordinary extraordinary.
They say that dolphins are one of the most intelligent creatures, right after humans. Well, this human-dolphin hybrid makes for quite an interesting new subspecies. This peculiar being, with its enigmatic presence, captivates the imagination, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. It's like something out of a National Geographic documentary, where the pages of the magazine come alive.

Or perhaps, upon closer inspection, it's just a guy reading a newspaper in a dolphin onesie, whimsically embracing his affinity for marine life. Either way, the curiosity it sparks is undeniable, leaving us pondering the boundaries of human creativity and the wonders of our interconnected world.
Can't Ketchup with Me
What would one say to a tomato on the subway? It's not really clear, which is why this is probably a winner for avoiding all human interaction. This vegetable (or fruit?) definitely made its way unscathed. Just watch out for those doors, tomato.

There is one thing bumping into red veg on public transportation, but could you imagine coming across tomato ketchup taking a ride? There are some things that are bizarre. Let's stick to fruit and veggies. What gets us even more, is the lady sitting on the bench on the left, who is paying no attention whatsoever to this phenomenon.
Is This Reality?
Most people are glued to their phones, the odd few take a book, and some people just left to stare out the window. There are so many escapes, but the real surroundings always creep back in. Well, not for this guy. He made damned sure that nothing gets in the way, and if there is one image that has to describe the future, then it has to be this one.

This guy's virtual reality set got him safely to his destination without the slightest outside disturbance. Or maybe he completely missed his stop. Seriously, how would he even know where to go? He's probably in another city by now or outer space.
Sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination. Traveling can make us change and grow into different people, or in this case, another species. Looks like this woman thought that she could transform into a beautiful butterfly right on the subway floor. What stage is she at now?

Perhaps at the next stop, she will magically fly out the subway doors and continue her magical journey. On second thought, it's just someone who found that specific day extremely boring and couldn't think of anything better to do and believed that this way, she will step out of her comfort zone and entertain the others on the train.
Comfy Cozy
A little PDA never hurt anyone, watch any movie, and it's clear sometimes things can even be a little cute. A kiss here, a hug there, and some hand-holding never hurt anyone. No one should judge you for being your true self and letting your loved one be their true self right along with you.

But this, this is beyond some good-natured PG-13 fun and games. This is a love in and it's very, very public. He doesn't look terribly comfortable in the chair, either. It's awkward and funny, though maybe more awkward if you actually had to be there. It looks like this may have lasted a while.
A Living Room on the Go
Apparently, the plastic subway seating was not looking its best to this regular rider. It's possible she just went shopping, and this is the best way to get her new couch home, but that makes too much sense. Either way, she's enjoying the best seats in the house, certainly the most comfortable.

Surprisingly other commuters didn't ask to join her on the couch. It's not terribly convenient for everyone else who has nowhere to walk or move; it's probably a bit dangerous as well. It does look comfortable, though, but she'd probably be more popular if she offered to share.
Germs? What Germs?
Well, they're certainly getting a reaction from their fellow doctors. Don't recognize the style? These guys are dressed as doctors who treat the plague (or used to, anyway). We bet those real-life plague doctors didn't ride the train like this, though. We can see the construction guy in orange is finding this whole thing entertaining, but we find it very uncomfortable.

There are a lot of germs on public transit, but plague hasn't been an issue in centuries. This isn't a surgical mask to fight smog or the flu; this is a statement piece. Well, these guys are protected from something, that's for sure, but it's certainly not from some questioning looks.
Like Bunnies
We've seen a cat chilling in a coat, but this is our first look at not one, but two rabbits riding the bus with their proud owner. It's comfortable and casual, though one of those rabbits looks a bit frightened. Maybe it just needs a little personal space. While this guy has an extra bunny with him on this trip, what he's missing is a shirt.

Maybe they're all just trying to keep one another warm. It can get cold in those dark subway tunnels. We may never know exactly what was happening here, but as long as they weren't bothering anyone, what's there to complain about?
Who Cares?
It takes a lot to make New York look up and take notice, especially on the morning commute. If you're not getting hurt, read on your phone and wait for your stop. So while we're laughing at this red-clad dude making an upside-down ride into the city for the day, no one else in his vicinity seems to have even noticed.

This is probably not the first person they've seen hanging from the inside of a train car. Once you've seen one, you've seen them all. This is not the "Subway Maniac" incident they were looking for. It is for sure not.
Big Foot, Is that You?
Did you like that unicorn? Well, the Yeti lives too. This photograph proves the point. It doesn't look like his seatmate is having quite as good a ride as the Yeti, but who knows? She doesn't seem impressed, but she should be, this is a mythical beast, after all. The Yeti needs to get around just like everyone else.

I wonder what made him desperate enough to risk his secret home being revealed by taking the train? It doesn't look like anyone on this ride was willing to take the chance and ask him. Would you have? I mean, how often do we even get the chance?!
Black Bird Singing
It's a little Edgar Allen Poe, but who can blame a girl for embracing her inner poetry? At least her pet seems to be behaving himself on their joint ride home. She's following the rules of a responsible pet owner, that bird is definitely on a leash. Props to her for following protocol and having a well-behaved bird.

People wouldn't complain so much if all animal travelers were as well-behaved. We have seen human children behave far worse. Perhaps it's time we acknowledge the grace of these feathered companions and recognize their potential as delightful travel partners, inspiring more responsible pet ownership across the board.
Think Hamilton
So this American Revolutionary-styled outfit was probably related to Hamilton somehow because, at this point, aren't they all? Maybe he's a cast member (though they usually don't let you leave the theater with your costume still on). This guy looks like he's on the way home, so there was no show for him tonight. We can appreciate the outfit, though, and its attention to detail.

The more we think of it, the more ideas come up in our heads about the place this dude is coming back from. Maybe a school play he participated in, a fancy dress party, or nowhere special, and he just wanted to make his life a little more interesting.
To Wear or Not to Wear a Shirt
There are countless signs someone wants to be left alone. This guy's shirt is wide open, and his stomach is certainly not the sort of sign one reads and wants to approach for more information. His arms are also out, as if he's preparing to fly or wrap the shoulders of his neighbors in an unasked-for-bear hug.

And, let us not forget the very clear man-spreading happening here. Hopefully, he doesn't want anyone to talk to him because he is sending out all sorts of "stay away" signals. No one is sitting less than two seats away from this guy, and for good reason.
When You Have to Make a Deadline
This is what a dedicated employee looks like. When a deadline arrives, when the work needs to be finished, sometimes you have to get creative. A laptop is supposed to be portable, but a laptop stabilizer is not quite the same thing. It's clear he was not ready to make small talk, he had a job to do.

He was focused, on his computer and its stabilizer, because a deadline was looming. It's not something you see every day, no matter what mode of travel you take. We would imagine it would give you a laugh at the very least.
Judging a Book By Its Cover
Everyone reads on the subway, but not everyone should. Just take a closer look at the title of this gentleman's book. Maybe that's something he should have taken out on a Kindle or e-reader instead of the hard copy. Maybe it's just a joke, and he wants a reaction from his fellow riders; he's certainly getting some laughs. Someone published this book; he's just reading it.

We can laugh, but it's hard to judge. Makes you wonder what other titles you've been missing by ignorant passengers on your morning commute. We hope this guy finds love and that we get to see him with the second part of this book series, "How to keep your girlfriend happy, even when you are always late from work, being stuck on the Subway."
Eye of the Tiger
He could play the part, but it doesn't really look like this guy is on his way to audition for a 'Tony the Tiger role. I don't know that they'd cast him as Tigger, either. It's good for a laugh, but I can't tell you what his real story is; maybe he doesn't even remember why he got dressed up like this.

Is it near Halloween? Is he making sure his outfit will still fit for the big night? Unclear because no one was willing to ask. It would be the type of thing you'd wear to entertain kids, but I don't think anyone was letting their kids near this guy, either.
So, Have You Seen This Movie...?
Have you seen the movie Saw? If not, this may not look as upsetting to you as it looks to us. If this guy wasn't planning on scaring anyone, we can't quite decide what this mask choice was really all about. That kid doesn't seem to mind, he's taking that picture and doesn't look frightened in the least.

It doesn't look like anyone got hurt yet, though Saw is a long movie. We are guessing that this look made many more people laugh than scream when they saw it, however, of it were us, we would g for the emergency stop button.
Not Something You See Everyday
This does not look like no pants on the subway day, but this gentleman doesn't look as though he was waiting for an invitation to wear what he wants. Forget boxers; this man has embraced his feminine side. He has embraced it on the bottom and on top.

I hope he's comfortable, at least, and that it's a sweltering summer in New York and not the middle of winter. Let's hope he doesn't have a long ride ahead of him; he might just be hurrying home because he has to change. So embrace the 21st century, as anything nowadays goes.
Define This
Do we really care less about what people think as we get older? This guy certainly makes me think so. He doesn't look like he cares at all what anyone anywhere thinks of him. For one thing, that leopard print top in no way matches those polka dot shorts. Red and white? Not a great look.

But maybe that's what we all aspire to be, this guy. His hair is up and he is enthralled in his book. If he's happy, who are we to judge? Maybe one day we will be just as lucky, caring far more about what we put into our minds than on our bodies.
When You're Hungry, You're Hungry
This guy was hungry, and he doesn't want to be bothered about his dinner-time decisions. He is perfectly prepared to eat in peace, using a lovely tray, civilized, rather than the standard burger over the lap. This is a guy who thinks ahead. How everything stays neat and tidy while the train bounces, we can't tell from this picture alone.

But this guy is prepared, and he's going to finish that meal before he gets to his stop. Don't get in the way of a man and his meal, he certainly doesn't let anything come between him and his dinner.
The Questing Beast
We hope this guy is on his way to one hell of a magical party because he's certainly dressed for it. It's not every day you run into a zebra centaur, especially on public transit. Maybe he's off to a costume contest. We hope so, because he would definitely win.

This is one brave centaur, he has to be to walk around the city for any length of time dressed this way. The turnstile is its own challenge, but isn't it for everyone? Either it won't scan your card, or it won't accommodate your hind legs. We know which problem would make a better story.
Pika Pika
Usually, you have to catch a Pikachu if you want to see the famous Pokemon, but sometimes you get lucky. Especially lucky here because this Pikachu is particularly big, life-size, in fact. I mean, the arm sticking out of his mouth is a bit odd, and the fact he's taken public transit at all.

This guy must have needed to be somewhere important to go through all of this. This doesn't look like the real Pikachu, but a man in a suit, and it's not too comfortable taking public transit on a normal day, so he must be going on quite the trip. He's on a mission, and he does not want to be bothered about it.
Do Not Disturb
Well, isn't that something? Don't be alarmed, it's just a knit version of the famous face-hugging creature from Alien. It doesn't look nearly as intimidating, though definitely a bit weird for a morning commute. It would definitely keep me from starting a conversation, and that seems to be the point.

It doesn't look like this particular commuter is up for a friendly chat. I mean, it's a statement piece, certainly, a brave fashion choice. It definitely makes it clear you're not up for a debate or that you really want to be bothered at all. The weirdest part though, is, can you tell if this person is even awake under there?
Out of Luck
This leprechaun looks a little out of sorts. No luck coming his way, it seems. Maybe the pot at the end of the rainbow doesn't hold any real treasure after all. We suspected it, but it hurts to know the truth. We feel for you, dude, disappointment is the worst. He's over it, and on the way out, it looks like.

He's packed it in and is running from the rainbow. We hope things turn out better wherever he's going. We hope there's a real rainbow in this guy's future. There's one thing ruining a fairytale for yourself, but we don't want to ruin it for all the children out there.
The Red Ranger
It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it’s the Red Power Ranger on the train because there is no emergency, so he doesn't have to get around very fast (we're just guessing here) and he has plenty of time to get on the train and get the other commuters to wonder what the hell is this dude thinking.

We can only hope the other rangers aren't waiting on their leader because he may not make it for a while. Maybe you've seen the other rangers on your commute, though we'd guess it's not particularly often, no matter the color. Hopefully, he's just on his way home like everyone else.
Tools of the Trade
So, it's not unusual to see someone putting their makeup on in the morning on public transit. It's actually one of the more normal things a person can get caught doing. But this lady is in a league of her own. She seems to have forgotten a few tools at home and is putting her face on with a butter knife this morning.

We hope it's working the way she wants because we'll never know what the final look was supposed to be. All we're left with is this image and the sincere wish that no one was harmed in the making of this beautiful makeover.
Are We On Time?
The New York trains are notorious for not keeping to a very strict schedule. So what happens when you're below ground without cell service and still wondering if you'll make your appointment on time? Hopefully, you're riding with a lady like this and her Flava Flave-inspired style.

She's got some bling and some helpful information with her today, because someone will eventually need to know what time it is. Does it work, though? Or is it just a fancy bag? Whether this train is late or not, this lady is gonna be a talking point for some time to come.
Serious Game Time
This guy must have been in the middle of some serious questing with no safe savable moment in sight. He's just up and taken his entire Xbox on his real-life journey with him, so he doesn't have to give up a minute. No lost time or momentum for him. Maybe his commute today is particularly long and this, while not the most portable, was still his best option.

I mean, wouldn't a Nintendo Switch of a Gameboy have made more sense? I know, he wasn't playing a Nintendo game, but this was quite the heavy load to drag down all those subway steps.
Lettuce Head
We all talk about going natural and working with sustainable materials, but this lady has taken that idea to the next level. Forget hats of felt or cotton, this woman is literally a head of lettuce, wearing a great leaf as her hat of the day. Maybe you can absorb more nutrients this way.

But it doesn't look like she's offering anyone any explanations. Hopefully, she has a whole head of lettuce at home so she can replace her accessory as needed. Fresh veggies degrade pretty quickly, which is the point, but in this case, can also be a problem.
Certain Sadness
She was prepared to go home and have dinner, now we're not sure if this lady is even going to make it home. She's fallen asleep and may have missed her stop. What we are certain of is she's missing her pizza, which has fallen off her lap and out of its box and is touching some disgusting subway floor.

That's a New York pizza, and we couldn't be sadder for her, or for us. It's such a waste. Is her situation salvageable? It's unclear. I don't think I'd have eaten the pizza after this, but I don't know that we'll ever have this woman's full story.
A Personal Bubble
Don't you ever get frustrated when people forget about personal space and enter your bubble? Well, this girl takes her personal bubble very seriously and actually brought a bubble with her for the commute. No one's gonna get in her way today. We're impressed, and this will never age or break and she will be able to use this for many years to come.

Her statement is clear, and so is her personal space (which is especially difficult while traveling). This bubble is officially known as a Hoberman and shrinks for easy transport when not in use. That's right, it can shrink to travel size for your convenience.
Stop, It's Hammock Time
So, it's not the couch we saw earlier, but it has its own very special charm. This guy not only brought but set up his own hammock for the ride to work (we're guessing). He looks a little too comfortable, and he may miss his stop, but he seems to have been organized enough so far.

There are more uses for a hammock than what the manufacturer ever thought. Hammocks are notoriously complicated to set up, so good luck beating the doors before they shut. But I guess anyone boarding the train will get a good laugh. At least they can walk around him.
Heroes and Villains
Universes collide, and Darth Vader and Batman meet not in the streets or in the stars, but on the subway. If things came to a head, our money is on Darth Vader, with his Force power versus Batman and his utility belt (especially in these close quarters).

It doesn't look like too many other people are dressed to impress, so we're guessing it's not Halloween yet. Maybe these guys are on their way to take some photos in Time Square. Let's just hope everyone made it to their destinations in one piece and that these guys are not for real and we are not going to witness this in our next Marvel movie.
Dinner Prep
This lady must have been running really late because she started dinner preparations before she even got home. Who hasn't chopped onions on the subway? Well, most of us, if we're being honest. At least she knew she'd be running late, or how would she have had all her supplies with her, to begin with?

I don't think her seatmates appreciate her preparedness, but they're probably hungry too. But they seem to know better than to bother a lady with a knife, especially a very focused lady in a moving train, with a knife. Talk about hidden talents and being time efficient.
Gotta Do What You Gotta Do
Ever taken the subway home from a sporting event? Then, packed train cars are something you've experienced. Sometimes you just make it on, but there is nothing around you can grab hold of to keep from being thrown into the stranger smashed in beside you.

But this lady was prepared, she came armed with a plunger, and thus her own steady handhold. Hey, she definitely gets points for creativity. It's travel friendly, just in case she has to change trains on a long ride, and it's also super hygienic. No one will ever leave marks off their sweaty hands on her pole anymore.
Traffic Jam
The real question is how this smart car got down the stairs and onto the platform. Most underground train stations don't even have elevators. Perhaps he's doing his best to avoid New York City traffic, though then perhaps he should have known better than to try driving in the first place.

Maybe he was just looking for a bit of quiet, and some air conditioning, on his regular subway ride home. At least he hasn't blocked the entire aisle; that is more than what most people do. Still not something you see every day, the car or the concern for other people's right of way.
Here Kitty Kitty
It's always friendlier with two, so why not travel with a friend? On public transit, it doesn't even have to be of any specific species. Sometimes that companion is a cat. They're not supposed to sit on the seats, so they can always sit inside your coat. But don't let the cat suffocate; make sure it can breathe, and let it stick its head out.

That's exactly what someone did, as you can see. This woman obviously didn't want to make a scene, but a kitty needs to breathe. The pair just wanted to be left alone, that's not too much to ask?
This Innocent Blue Alien
It looks like the space force has finally caught up to this interloper. Hands to the stars, moon-man, you’re going to SPACE JAIL. This paper-mâché headgear looks like a creature that is just barely familiar. We can’t place exactly where it came from, but we know we’ve seen it before.

“Futurama?” “Rick and Morty?” One of those weird grimy shows from the nineties that people who grew up in the era love, but nobody else can stand, like “Aaahh!!! Real Monsters?” We couldn’t tell you. We do know that this alien is just trying to get to dinner, and the space po-po won’t get off his case. Until he proves, he has all his intergalactic documents in order.
Birds of the Tube
What, are their wings broken? Well, it’s not like these colorful birds have any other way of getting around, which is why they’re riding the tube with a guy who probably feels pretty cool, right? We bet he just feels so cool. That’s because he IS cool.

If you had two beautiful parrots that would hang out on your shoulders and not make fools of themselves, you would ride on the subway as much as possible too. These birds seem chill enough to go over to someone else and say hello, as we see in the image on the left. These birds are undoubtedly used to having many people take pics of them since they’re so eye-catching.
Final Fantasy Bosses Have to Get Around Somehow
Don’t mind him, he’s just on his way to the top of his magical floating tower in the ether between the universes to wait for a plucky band of friends to stop him from remaking all of creation in his twisted image. We are, we admit, a little in love with the design.

The red and white create a nice chaotic feel, which is helped a whole lot by the sporadic, odd patterns that the frills and body suit exhibit. That person’s outfit is special, but let's not ignore the lady sitting to the side. She doesn’t even seem to care that this weird demon has taken up a spot next to her. She might be texting a friend about it, but it’s not like she hasn’t seen it before.
Like if Tim Burton Directed a Doctor Seuss Movie
Your guess is as good and valid as ours when it comes to figuring out what this person is supposed to be. Other than “eye-popping,” of course. There’s so much to talk about here, we barely know where to start! Chief among the...features...that this person is displaying is the immense piece of headgear, which is so big it doesn’t even look like it fits in the subway car.

Let’s not forget the pair of blue tassels that are hanging from the middle of its egregious length and it’s altogether worrying lumps. Then there’s the black-and-white striped pants and the big shoes, the round body with the same cow-pattern spots, and the multicolored and checkered undershirt.
Everybody Else Can See That, Right?
We suppose not everything you wear while you’re on public transportation is just because you like a fun outfit. And not everyone you see is just a memorable eccentric. Sometimes you just see a demon from the underworld, and you have to deal with it, like the other people on this subway.

We’re going to go ahead and assume that this person is dressed up for a fan convention or a movie event, and this isn’t part of the normal wardrobe rotation. Those big hands make grabbing the wallet out a pretty big time-waster. Are the other people on the subway so used to this kind of thing it doesn’t bother them, or are they all doing their darndest not to give it any more attention than it deserves?
Steampunk Victorian London Can Get Chilly
Laundry day is tough on all of us. Not only have you run out of clothes to wear, but now you have to separate them into loads, find enough quarters, and haul everything down to the laundromat. But at least you’ll have a chance to find something fun in the back of your closet, like this guy. We love a bit of steampunk, and it looks like this guy can’t get enough of it.

While not a traditional part of steampunk, the fur coat is still a smooth choice. Most steam punks don’t have a pink feather in their cap, but there’s nothing wrong with a little splash of color, especially when it comes to a vibe that is usually just browns and blacks and grays and things like that.
The Hero We Need
There are a lot of superheroes out there these days. The classics like Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, and the Avengers. The smaller names like Moon Knight or the Fantastic Four. The ones that have come out of the woodwork, like Birdman or Squirrel Girl. And then there’s this caped crusader. He is always ready to answer the call when some poor child or working guy needs a delicious meal. Pizza Man!

We hope to one day see his signal in the sky. Now the question is: did he find that stuff off the rack, or did he have to use some of his parents' incredible fortune to have it custom-made? And does this mean he was terrified of pizza as a child?
Hey Man, That’s Cool, We’ll Just Stand Over Here
Undoubtedly, there are many strange creatures you can see day in and day out on the subway. While an immense snake carried by a guy is gonna be odd, it’s probably not all that uncommon when you think about it. Still, that isn’t going to stop the other people on the subway from keeping their distance from this memorable character.

The big snake is one thing, but we’d also be remiss not to point out the bag that is in front of him, which is either holding novelty Benjamins or is way smaller than the picture makes it out to be. Has this guy set up his pop-up shop and is using the snake to attract attention? Sure, that makes as much sense as any other option.
Guardian Angels Can Get Grumpy
If you tell your family that you saw an angel on the train while on the way to work, they probably think of a certain image. This is not that image. This grumpy old soul has been keeping inattentive kids and clumsy adults from hurting themselves for too long.

Maybe this is the angel that has been assigned to the train itself, and it’s just her pure, holy power that keeps it from getting into a terrible accident. She has to watch over this train daily and ensure it stays stuck to the rails. Seems like a big job, which would explain why she has such a long face.
The ‘Zord is in the Shop
Yes, it seems even Super Sentai heroes have to take public transportation every once in a while. This sort of sight is rare, even in Asian places, where those types of shows have a much larger media foothold. Whether this quintet is on their way to fight off Rita Repulsa or they just want to head to a convention to meet all their adoring fans, it’s a sight to behold.

We are particularly fond of the fact that they’ve all stuck the same laid-back pose. Same leg over the knee, hands folded in the same way. They know that they’re superstars and here to drink in the adoration. Maybe they’ll bust a move or two, or maybe they’ll just enjoy the looks.
I Was a Hero
You know, before I went corporate. While at first glance, this helmet looks like it’s something a Spartan would wear while fighting against the invading Persians, it’s actually from the outfit of the classic DC Comics superhero Dr. Fate. If you aren’t familiar with the name, don’t be ashamed – he hasn’t had his time in the limelight just yet.

He first showed up in “More Fun Comics” #55 in May 1940, and he’s gone through a number of incarnations, but his most famous physical attribute, his helmet, endures to this day. We can’t tell you why this businessman is dressing up as such an unknown character, but maybe that’s all he could do between the bank and the comic convention.
Something to Occupy Her Time
The thing about riding on public transportation is that there is usually nothing at all to do. You have to sit and wait to get to your destination, and there’s no way around it. Sure, you can bring a book or listen to music or something like that, but you’re going to run out of things to do before long.

So this woman printed out fifteen pages of Facebook comments and was reading them on the subway. Well, if you don’t have your phone with you, how else are you supposed to do it? She had some important updates to get through. Or, maybe she keeps it around to glance at when she’s having a bad day. It’s not like it’s anywhere near the weird elsewhere on this list.
It's Not What You Think It Means
This woman, found in the capital of South Korea, Seoul, has a rather memorable tattoo on the back of her neck, and there are a few possible explanations. Maybe it’s like how English-speaking people get tattoos in Chinese or Japanese, or Korean, explaining that it means “grace” or “beauty,” but it really just means “a squirrel got stuck in my toaster” or something like that.

Maybe she really likes the idea of recycling and just couldn’t translate the idea well enough before she got the tattoo done. Maybe this is one of those things she got after a wild night, and she’s on her way to remove it. Or, maybe she, you know, is into that sort of thing.
Good Way to Stay Warm
While it’s not the weirdest thing that has ever been seen on a subway train, this full-body knitted outfit has got to be up there. The amount of work that this took is pretty high, and the craftsmanship is top-notch. This person decided to do a little bit of abstract or performance art and walk around New York City wearing a crochet bodysuit, which is described as “fairly uncomfortable.”

Apparently, the crochet slips over the skin easily enough while putting it on, but it’s quite tight while actually being worn. It’s also, as you might be able to guess, pretty warm. Good for winter, but any other time will be quite uncomfortable.
Yeah, Yeah, You Found Me
This guy had two options. Two roads to take, and he took the one less traveled. When it is pointed out that they look a bit like a famous character, most people will do what they can to reduce the similarities to avoid ridicule or lots of people taking pictures while they’re on the subway. This guy decided to go in the other direction.

He wears striped shirts, has a red-and-white cap, and carries a cane with him when he’s out and about, which means that he gets to delight children and the young at heart with his almost picture-perfect “Where’s Waldo” impersonation. That’s “Where’s Wally” for readers of the original British books. The publisher thought “Waldo” would work better in America than “Wally.”
Every Pet Needs to Be Walked
While it seems like this photo is a clandestine snapshot of a foreign agent, how often do you see a chicken on a leash? We bet it isn’t that often. Once a year? At the most? It might be higher if you live in the city, where such skittish creatures have to be kept close at heel.

The little bird looks well-trained, for what it’s worth since we assume most chickens will be pulling at the leash to get away. Just get away from all of it. Now, why put your chicken on a leash and take it into the city? Is it just for exercise? Was it take your pet to work day? Maybe this is just her thing. She’s the gal that takes her chicken out every day.
Hurts Just Looking at It
No, obviously, there’s nothing wrong with this, and if this lady is comfortable sitting like this, then we can’t really say much else about it, but it still looks like her joints are crying out in pain. Especially her...right leg. We think it’s the right leg. The one that’s going all over the place, under and over, and back and forth.

She looks fine with it, but we wouldn’t want to try unless we take some yoga classes first. Also, did the person across from her just take a picture of her legs without asking? That’s a public transportation foul, buster. Maybe he asked her permission, but “I just want a picture of your legs is still a strange thing to say.”
Please Stay in the Corner
Almost all of the things that are on this list are just people who like to wear goofy costumes or take their strange pets out on a walk. This is the first one we’ve seen that has us actually worried. If you saw this guy sitting on his own on the subway, we have the feeling you, too, would make sure your thumb is poised over the button to call 911.

He’s wearing only his skivvies, he’s covered in what we hope is black paint, and his feet have what we REALLY hope is red paint. Maybe he’s the first to fall asleep at the party, or maybe it’s going to be the near-miss story you tell your kids in twenty years.
Cuddling Up for a Ride
There are many odd animals on this list, from snakes to chickens to parrots and beyond, but how many foxes do we see? While the sign behind that guy makes us think that this picture comes to us from Russia or a country near there, that still doesn’t mean this is all that commonplace.

The woman sitting next to the guy doesn’t look like she cares much, nor does the fox for its credit. It’s curled into a cute little ball and resting on its main man’s lap as the guy checks Twitter or some other fun phone thing. What worries us is that this fox doesn’t seem to have a leash, though we just might not be able to see it.
Not Exactly the Wizard of Oz
Where could this kind of character crawl from to look in such a way? It’s as if a McDonald’s ball pit came to life. Or if the idea of whimsy decided to take human form. Likely this picture was taken in a country that isn’t America since it sort of seems like this person could have some form of religious affectation, though we couldn’t tell you what religion that is.

Q from “Star Trek” has finally picked a new outfit for getting in Picard’s way, or maybe it’s laundry day for this guy, and this is the only thing he had left in the closet. One way or another, it’s quite the look.
A Bunch of Clever Girls
If you want to know why a bunch of people dressed in Brazilian national colors and wearing little inflatable dinosaur costumes are getting on the subway, isn’t it obvious? These traveling fans are off to support their home country during the World Cup in Russia, and they decided the best way to do it is to become some prehistoric predators.

There’s not much else to say about this sight – if your city hosts one of the biggest international events in the world, you’re going to see a whole lot of strange sights that can be explained away due to true fandom. Really a couple of Brazilians dressing up for a soccer match isn’t even near the weirdest thing we’ve seen.
Let’s Start with the Simple Stuff
Life is all about new things. Seeing a new movie, listening to new music, or seeing a new kind of animal on the subway. And there are few things that could be newer than a pink chicken riding a baby buggy that is the same color, decorated with colorful little skeletons, and eating Cheerios out of your hand.

It kind of looks like the person doing the feeding is also wearing a costume, so maybe this odd couple was on their way to a fancy dress party. The chicken looks like it has a natural, pretty pink color, so all it needed to do was a little bit of decoration. We wish we could see what’s written on the side, but it’s obscured too much.
Just Stare Straight Ahead
At the very least, we hope that this picture was taken late in October. Maybe the very last day? That would be the best outcome. The guy on the right is doing his best to act like everything is natural, but even he looks like he’s having some trouble keeping a straight face seated next to these creepy creations.

In case you don’t know the names of that deadly-looking pair, they are Chucky the killer doll and his bride, Tiffany, and the look is pretty spot-on. In case you were wondering, the two are midgets, and they delight in getting dressed up for parties as little characters such as these, as well as plenty of others.
They’re Called Great for a Reason
Small dogs are the norm when it comes to being spotted on the subway, but big dogs have to get around too! And this is, without a doubt, one heck of a big dog. Great Danes are some of the world’s biggest dogs (though probably not THE biggest), and they have some issues sitting on those little subway seats.

The poor guy can barely get half his hindquarters on the seat, and he’s sticking so far out into the center aisle that we bet that the guy sitting across from him is holding a hot dog. We don’t know if this dog and its owner are on their way to solving mysteries with the rest of their friends, but it’s hard not to notice him.
Well, Good Morning to You Too, Sister
The bright lights take this from nightmare to daymare, but the costume and makeup still create quite the eerie sight while you’re riding on the tube. The person inside the costume is a tall drink of unholy water, and it sort of seems like he’s doing his best to make his appearance as aggressive as possible.

We assume this is a viral event or something for a showing of a recent horror movie like, oh, “The Nun,” for instance. Just a guess. Let’s also not forget about the guy in the lower right, who seems like the kind of character that will do nothing but laugh at a demon nun. He’s the real monster that we need to look out for.
A False Bill of Sale
We aren’t experts in chickens, but we are pretty sure that they aren’t books. However, we might need to check out the Wikipedia article on the creatures. Brush up on our avian knowledge. At least this little clucker has a safe little box to hide in if things start to get dicey on the subway.

Why someone needed to transport a chicken in a cardboard box on the subway sounds like a nice story to get into, but we might not have time for it here. Unfortunately, if you go looking for books, all you’re going to get from this box is a peck through the palm.
Ma’am, Your Baby is Licking My Leg
Having a dog in a stroller is no big deal. Many of them are somewhat of the same size and deal with some of the same issues. We haven’t seen one so dapper in a long time, though. An English Bulldog wearing a cloth cap sitting in a baby buggy on the London tube sounds like a very English time, and the dog seems to be enjoying it.

Though this breed does have a bit of a sour face to them even during the best of moods. Where is the dog’s owner during all of this, we wonder. Is he or she wearing a matching cap? We, oh so dearly, hope so. There are some things that can be excused in life, however, this is NOT one of them.
Even Demons Have to Sit Down
If you’re on your way to a costume party in New York City, there’s only one option – riding the subway. Just because you happen to look like a demon that could roast marshmallows on its head doesn’t mean you don’t have to travel like all the other regular people. You’ll have to be much more careful with the spikes attached to your dome.

But instead, just sit there and wait to arrive at your destination like the rest of us. We assume the destination is volunteering to feed the homeless on cold street corners. Maybe the natural warmth of demon-kind is a bonus during the freezing nights. Or maybe this person is just headed out to refill on red paint.
Love the Venetian Blind Look
Is this person working on building a fence and needed to make a trip to the fence store? Does she just hate people standing near her on the subway? Is this some kind of performance piece that will have another passenger come up and help her lower her defenses? It doesn’t look like the kind of thing you would willingly use for any of those options, so we can’t really be sure about what it is or isn’t.

It seems like she’s scrolling through her phone like everybody else, so we don’t get anything there. It looks like a plastic railroad track or a piece of outdoor home decoration. You know, the kind of thing that you set up to let some vines grow on it.
How You Know Someone is 100% Done
It can get pretty toasty in those enclosed spaces full of people. Even during the colder days of winter, you can sweat a little. So if you step inside a train or a subway in the heat of summer, be ready. This character has the right idea with a huge, classic-style fan that can fold down and stay in the bag until it is required.

It looks like that thing is big enough to give everybody in the car a nice cooldown. If you need to tell somebody off, you can whip it out, snap it open, and tell them exactly what you think of how they’re comporting themselves.
Face Mask Time
You are all for maintaining healthy-looking skin and encouraging the use of home use facial masks, however, this next image does arise some questions on our behalf. The subway, underground, or metro system are not really considered the cleanest places in a city, and it doesn't matter where you live.

The fact that this woman has decided to check out her new disposal face mask makes us wonder. Was she seriously expecting her facial skin to glow after being exposed to all the dirt on the train? Or was she using this mask to avoid people approaching her while she was going home? If the latter is what happened, then it surely worked.