It doesn’t matter how much you invest in your winter sweaters; sooner or later, they start growing lint balls (unless it’s a Dior or Chanel, and then you have a lifetime guaranty that nothing will ever happen to your 2500$ sweater).

This small and annoying fabric ball issue has a solution. Gently go over the balls with a razor, and your coat is as good as new. We don’t need Dios or Chanel. High street brands are good enough for us.
Easily Stem Strawberries
Simply insert a straw from the bottom of the berry and twist. If you have a kid who won't eat a strawberry unless it is cored, give him or her a straw and let them have fun doing it themselves.

The straw corer idea also works great if you just want to throw some strawberries in a fruit salad. You can probably get one at Target, but why not save money with this simple tip?
Lint Balls of Frustration
It doesn't matter how much you invest in your winter sweaters; sooner or later, they start growing lint balls (unless it's a Dior or Chanel, and then you have a lifetime guaranty that nothing will ever happen to your 2500$ sweater).

This small and annoying fabric ball issue has a solution. Gently go over the balls with a razor, and your coat is as good as new. We don't need Dios or Chanel. High street brands are good enough for us.
Scrub Produce With Baking Soda
By just adding a couple of teaspoons of baking soda to 1-2 cups of water, you will have yourself an all-natural produce scrub. Combine the mixture in a large mixing bowl, or add the ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well.

Once mixed, you will have the perfect all-natural solution for ridding your produce of pesticides, dirt, and unwanted yuck from every nook and cranny. Once cleaned, make sure to rinse your produce thoroughly.
Flatten Your Ground Beef Before Storing
Ground beef is a great thing to have around for a last-minute dinner fix, but if you are in a hurry, it may feel like forever while waiting for the beef to thaw out. You can speed up the process by flattening your ground beef in a gallon-sized freezer bag before putting it in the freezer.

The flat surface area of the beef will cause it to thaw out faster and it will also take up less room and be easier to stack in your freezer!
Melt the Ice on Your Driveway
If the place where you live often encounters cold, icy winters, you know the anxiety that comes with an ice-covered walkway or driveway. Icy slip-and-falls are never fun.

Well, if you don’t have salt on hand to melt the ice, you can try sprinkling baking soda all over the frozen area. Though it's not as strong as road salt, it will help melt the ice on a potentially hazardous walkway.
Stop Pipes From Bursting With WD-40
Water changes its volume when it freezes and thaws. (Water expands when it freezes.) This means that the pipes that have water running through them are susceptible to seasonal damage.

During winter, it is very common to find pipes that are frozen. These pipes can burst from under certain temperatures, which is potentially hazardous. To prevent this, use WD-40 to spray the exterior of the pipes and joints.
Use a Tissue Box as a Holder for Plastic Bags
It seems like every household has its own secret stash of never-ending plastic bags. They are good for picking up after your dog, lining garbage cans, and a million other things, but are usually an unsightly mess in and of themselves.

You can up-cycle an empty tissue box by putting plastic bags inside and turning it into a bag holder. You put the bags in with the loops sticking up and fold the end of each new bag into the loops. That way, each time you take out a bag, another one will already be waiting for you!
Clean Your Phone With a Dryer Sheet!
Phones are pretty gross. They're pretty cool too but think about all that bacteria and dirt that gets all over it. And we're not even talking about those folks who pay sudoku in the bathroom. We'll leave it to your imagination.

Dab a dryer sheet in just a drop of disinfectant for a thorough cleanup that will leave your best electronic device totally clean of all ickiness. And polish your screen while you're at it. It will be so shiny, you'll see your own reflection.
Drawer Space Divider
It's time we have the talk. The talk about empty takeout containers. It's nice you're trying to go green and reuse those plastic containers, but letting them pile up in the kitchen drawer you never open does not constitute reusing.

The chaotic mess in that drawer can be contained (get it? contained? containers? ugh, never mind) using a nice tension rod and a little effort. Separate the containers by color/size/material/political opinion, or however else you see fit.
Use Baby Food Jars for Spices
Anyone who has an infant or a toddler in the house and you find you do not like the idea of throwing away a perfectly good jar, then this hack is perfect for you.

Use those clean baby food jars as storage containers for your spices. By using the same jars for different spices, you will have a nice and uniform look, plus you will be able to see what jar contains which spice. We would also recommend labeling each jar with the name of the spice inside it.
Restore Burned Cookware
If you have a beloved piece of cookware that endured a little too much time on the stove, have no fear, baking soda can save it.

To remove stubborn burnt-on stains, boil water in a separate pot and then add some baking soda to it while it’s still hot. Finally, pour the baking soda and water mixture over the badly burnt areas of the pot or pan you're cleaning.
Easily Clean Your Microwave
When you cook things like soup in the microwave, splatters can leave the inside looking more than a little messy. To clean it without much scrubbing, just nuke a bowl full of vinegar, then wipe down with a wet sponge!

This is definitely going to be a lot of help for any microwave owner because cleaning it thoroughly can be quite difficult. Plus, many of us live with people who don’t clean up after themselves properly, so the grime and grease can get dry and hard to clean. No longer!
Fresh Herbs Can Be Stored in the Freezer
If you love to cook then you probably purchase fresh herbs fairly often. The problem is that it seems almost impossible to use the entire amount you buy at the supermarket before it goes bad. Instead of throwing them in the trash, you can put them in the freezer!

As soon as you get home from the farmer’s market or pick your favorite herbs from your own garden, simply chop them up, put them in an ice cube tray with some olive oil and you have some seasoning ready for every occasion.
Crayon Candles
Remember the pack of Crayola you have lying around in the drawer of art supply you keep telling yourself you’ll open? The time has come for it to see the light of day. Other than being a coloring book’s best friend, these crayons make great short-term emergency lighting.

A full crayon can last for about 15 minutes. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you stock up properly and use them wisely, they might turn out to be your new best friends during a power outage.
Upgrade Your Iced Coffee
Iced coffee is a summer staple and, even throughout the year. But there's one problem: The ice melts and your coffee gets weak and watery. But did you know there’s a clever hack to not only keep your coffee from getting weak but to make it stronger too?

Just grab an empty ice tray, fill it with cooled, brewed coffee, and pop it in the freezer. After a few hours, add the ice cubes to your cold coffee so it remains strong, even after they melt.
Paper Towel Rack
Spills aren't only limited to the kitchen, and your house floor has the stains to prove it. So why not keep a crisp roll of paper towels in every room? That way you can at least pretend to have the habits of a clean person.

The way to do it would be to mount a short tension rod in the closet/cupboard of the desired room and string the roll on it. Can you hear that? It's the sound of you becoming a responsible adult.
More Than Waffles
They may not get quite as much recognition as pancakes but waffles have also become a breakfast (or really any time of the day) staple. But did you know you’ve been underestimating your waffle iron? It’s time to get creative?

This humble iron can do much more than just provide you with fresh, perfectly shaped waffles. You can also make falafel patties, grilled cheese sandwiches, and even brownies and cinnamon rolls!
Remove Grease Stains
If your clothes have any grease stains, you can actually get rid of them with Coca-Cola. For the best results, apply lightly to a fresh grease stain and let it sit for a few minutes.

According to MSN, if the spot discolors, that means it’s working. After a few minutes, just add to the wash and launder as usual in the warmest recommended water for the clothing article.
Gum Remover
We know this next one would mostly happen to children, as we are assuming most adults know the way around the gum. Getting gum in hair only happens on TV and movies, and in weird stock images on the internet. However, if it ever does happen, Coca-Cola can be your savior. Just soak the spot in Coke for several minutes, and the gum should come right out.

So, forget the freezing the gum hack (that works on gum getting stuck on objects, not on human organs) — Coca-Cola to the rescue.
Stop Candles Dripping
In came the rain, and out went the power. You already know the drill so you have some candles ready until you can get the light and heating back. But what are you going to do with all that dripping wax? If you want your candles to stop dripping all over, then you can use some saltwater.

All you need to do is stick your candlesticks in some very salty water for a few hours, causing a layer of salt to form once you leave them out to dry.
Glue Your Wine Corks
We always encourage homemade art, especially when it doesn't require high expenses. Start holding on to your wine bottle corks as you are about to discover how to create your own bulletin board or a unique framed picture.

Hot glue the corks onto a wooden board, with or without a frame, and a piece of art is born. Your visitors will ask where you bought this glamorous board, and you can proudly say it was custom-made.
Goodbye Christmas
While there are a few Christmas trends here and there that pop up every year, for the most part, the decorations are pretty standard and you can be sure to see the typical lights, ornaments, and tinsel wrap draped over your annual Christmas tree.

Why throw those all out when you can use them the following year? Keep them! Just wrap everything up some trusty dryer sheets. They'll stay protected, clean, and even smell nice, which isn't crucial, but doesn't hurt right?
An Easier Way to Make Meatballs
Making meatballs can be a messy business but there’s a way to make it easier and a little less...messy. Just grab one of your trusty ice cream scoops! After you prepare the meat and spices, use the ice cream scoop to scrape up the meat mixture and easily create a ball shape.

This leaves you with nearly perfect-sized and shaped meatballs while your hands stay a lot cleaner.
Make Your Own Travel Cup with Cellophane
You do not have to buy one of those fancy car cups or $65 metal brand name cylinders when traveling with your favorite smoothie or protein shake.

Now you can enlist a simple product that you already have in your pantry. Just fill up your cup with your favorite protein shake, smoothie, or cup of joe, and cover the top with some Glad Press N Seal (or generic cellophane wrap). Then, pop a straw through it, and you have a DIY on-the-go beverage. Want a little extra seal? Tighten a rubber band right around the rim. Boom, done.
Unclogging Those Sinks
The sink is something we use every day, so it is pretty inevitable that it gets clogged every so often. Dealing with a clogged drain can be frustrating, especially when you have dozens of other things on your mind. Next time you have a clogged drain, it doesn't need to be as annoying as you think.

WD-40 can be a quick fix for this issue. Spray the product, allow it to sit for a minute or two, and watch the magic happen before your eyes.
Get Air Vents Cleaner
If you have a mind to clean the air vents in your home, you'll usually just give them a quick pass with one of the vacuum cleaner's attachments. It helps, but you could be doing more to reduce the dust and particles in your home. Instead, grab a toothbrush to get inside those gaps and really clean things up.

You don't have to do this often – every few months is fine, and it can make a big impact on the quality of the air you breathe every day.
Jewelry Storage
Like many other small things we have in our homes, jewelry needs a good solution for being sorted out. Whoever invented the necklace stand (the one shaped like a head that looked absolutely ridiculous on our mother's dressers) didn't put much thought into that design. Necklaces kept getting tangled with one another.

The cutlery tray in your kitchen drawer can be used as a jewelry divider and keep them all neat and arranged. Your rings and bracelets will find their home in the tray too.
Fresh Flowers
The ordinary bouquet of fresh flowers lasts around seven days. That means you have one week until your gift will slowly wither away. Surely there must be something you can do to help them last longer?

This is where salt comes in, simply add some salt to your water, and your flowers should perk up a little longer.
A Summertime Coaster
If you need to cool off during the dog days of summer, the best way to do it is with a cold drink. But How to keep them cold? Ice will melt pretty quickly, which dilutes the flavor – and it isn't cold anymore.

Someone came up with a great way to keep drinks cold that doesn't change the flavor. Just use an ice pack as a coaster, and it will continue to keep the drink cold much longer than simple ice. Of course, eventually, the coaster will warm up just like anything else. That's why you have more than one on hand.
Whiten and Brighten Clothes
Are your clothes looking a bit dull? Adding a cup of salt to your next load of laundry will not only brighten your clothes, but they may come out cleaner too.

This is because salt is an alkali which makes it great at removing stains. This is also effective in keeping your clothes from wearing and having them last longer.
Easy Clean for Your Washing Machine
If you want to clean out the barrel of your washing machine, simply run a regular cycle without clothes using a combination of bleach and hot water. The next time you do the wash, your clothes will be fresher than ever!

Much like a vacuum cleaner, it can often be pretty easy to forget the fact that the very things that clean our possessions often need a good, thorough cleaning themselves. This is certainly true when it comes to the washing machine.
Shoe Organizers Aren’t Just for Shoes
Everybody knows those shoe organizers that hang on the back of closet doors with pockets for all your pairs of flat shoes. Here’s a groundbreaking thought, you can use them for storing things that are not shoes!

A shoe organizer can help you get your pantry in order. You can use it to store the smaller items too. They can also be a great place to store all the different cords and plugs that can be found everywhere around the house.
The Perfect Match
From scented candles to fireplace stains, smoke stains on the walls are the kind of stain you probably want to get rid of.

While there are numerous ways to try and tackle the stains on the walls, adding a bit of WD-40 to soap and water will help the cleanup job happen with less of a hassle.
Clean and Deodorize Rugs and Carpets
If you’re finding that your carpet has some stains and is starting to smell less than fresh, grab a box of baking soda. First, sprinkle a generous amount over the area of the carpet that needs to be treated. From there, carefully pour hot water over the area and allow the mixture to sit on the stain overnight.

The following day, simply vacuum up the excess baking soda from the treated area. If you find that the stain didn’t fully disappear from the first application, a repeat of the treatment should fully remove it.
Frozen Grapes
If you have to chill a bottle of white wine in no time, this hack is for you. It has happened to us all. Unexpected guest? Need a glass of white after a long day, but there is non in the fridge?

Make sure you have a bunch of frozen grapes in the freezer, as they are about to change your life. Ice cubes may cool your wine, but they can also ruin the flavors. Placing a few frozen grapes in your wine glass will chill it without watering it down. Enjoy.
Big Boys Don't Cry
Even if you like the taste of onions, you have to admit that preparing them can be a hassle. The chemicals that they give off when you cut through the many layers make your eyes burn, make you tear up, and make you need to blow your nose too frequently for food prep.

If this is something you find yourself dealing with far too often, just put on a pair of goggles. If they can keep out water, they can keep out the stinging sensation of cutting onions. It's all about using resources properly, and this surely counts.
How to Keep Food Stains Away
One of the most reliable ways we can avoid food stains in our containers is to rinse and clean them immediately after using them, of course. But often, life gets in the way, and we don’t have the time to do it right away and end up dropping our containers in the sink until we get home at the end of the day.

However, if you fill them with hot water and a little bit of dish soap, it will make the cleaning process so much easier and keep all of the greasy and oil stains away. This will help prevent food stains, but it will also make it easier to clean up any excess leftovers.
Helping Onions and Garlic Last Longer
Although such veggies as onions, garlic, and even shallots last much longer than their counterparts, there is a simple hack to further their longevity by as many as three more months.

Just take a paper bag, punch holes in it using a paper punch. Once you have that done, fold the bag top down a couple of turns, and secure it with a paper clip.
Preserve Your Books With Dryer Sheets
We love our books, especially those old slightly weathered hardcovers, a stack of those in a warmly lit room that screams, "I'm smart!" Unfortunately, that kind of aesthetic often comes with an unpleasant smell and that's less cool.

This is where dryer sheets come in. A scented single sheet placed in the book will rid you of that old mothy smell, because, let's face it, bad smells should be stuck in the past!
Clean the AC Vents in the Dishwasher
Your home may seem spotless, but one thing that is probably filthy is your air conditioning vents. They are easy to overlook, but if not cleaned regularly they are prone to collecting massive amounts of dust and then recirculating them into your house.

A simple and fast method of getting those vents sparkling is to put them in the dishwasher. Just make sure to blow dry the excess water off them (on the cool setting) before putting them back in place.
Use Masking Tape Before Nailing the Walls
If you want to hang up a painting, here's a tip. Before you go hammering into your drywalls, be sure to use masking tape or painter's tape over the desired area. This prevents flaking and cracking in the walls.

Now you can have crack-free walls. While the painting might cover it up, it's still important to look after your house.
Ever Heard of Free Cooking Spray?
Next time you are in the supermarket and you walk by the cocking sprays, just keep on walking. That is one thing you definitely don't need to spend your money on. Instead, invest in a standard transparent liquid spray. Fill it with your regular cooking oil and you're ready to go.

This will protect the environment, balance your diet with less oil, and for sure save you some bucks.
Peel Eggs Easier
A cooking hack for people who like to consume eggs is one where the eggshell pieces come off smoothly and easily. The trick is to wet your fingers and to start peeling the egg slowly.

It's a simple trick that doesn't require any added ingredients and it truly works!
Socks Are Your Friends
We know that your glove box has never contained a single glove. And we're okay with that. But you might want to start packing some socks in it.

An extra pair of socks will save you the trouble waddling around in wet socks in case you accidentally stepped in a puddle or got caught in the rain. Any orphaned socks could also be useful, getting new life as covers for your wiper blades.
Clean Silverware With Ketchup
This may seem a little bit counter-intuitive, but ketchup actually works as an effective polish for silverware and stainless steel or copper pots and pans. Simply squirt a little on, scrub with a scouring pad, and rinse the residue away with warm water.

Who would have known that a simple condiment like ketchup could actually be such a great cleaning agent? It’s enough to make you wonder who thought of this method in the first place. How many of us see something dirty and think to clean it with the same thing we put on burgers?
Clean Your Bathroom
You can typically find an entire grocery store aisle dedicated to cleaners, especially for the bathroom. But for an effective, low-cost and natural alternative baking soda is the winner.

When applied to surfaces, it will disinfect and whiten them. You first create a simple paste of baking soda and water which you can apply to any surface in the bathroom, from floor tiles to toilets and bathtubs. After letting the paste sit for 20 minutes, just wipe it away to reveal brighter, cleaner surfaces.
Hang Up Heavy Utensils Too
Once you've started sticking up hooks, you will find that you will have endless space. You can hang up bigger utensils like spatulas, strainers, larger spoons, and ladles even larger hanging knives like cleavers and chef knives.

This can really take away the frustration of a messy kitchen. It's also much easier to find. Just make sure you don't hang anything sharp in places children can reach.
Never Lose Them Again
Small metal objects are necessary for anyone in the bathroom. From bobby pins and nail clippers to mustache trimmers, nail files, and more, it can be hard to keep track of where they all are.

Attach a magnetic strip, or some other magnetic item in the size and shape of your choice, to the wall or counter of your bathroom.
Get Rid of Grime From Inside the Fridge
No doubt you're aware of just how dirty a refrigerator can become. With food coming and going, stuff from the shops, leaks, and dirty hands, it might just be one of the dirtiest places in the home, and isn't that a scary thought?

Grab your toothbrush and force the issue with the small, stiff bristles that can get into the smallest cracks. Once you're done, food will stay fresher, the fridge will smell better, and you can eat with a light heart.